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Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 Nursery

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1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 Nursery
Maths This half term we will be teaching the children how to use positional language- in, on, under, behind. We will also be making repeating patterns using differing colours and shapes. You can help your child at home by learning the counting songs your child is singing at Nursery. Encourage your child to look for numbers in the home and when out and about in the car or supermarket. Communication and Language To be a good learner your child needs to be a good listener. We will continue to focus on what it means to be a good listener and how to take turns in a conversation. Taking part in the Nativity will be a big step for your child to take and will help them focus their attention. You can help your child at home by encouraging them to talk to you about what they have been learning at Nursery. Encourage them to practise songs and role play familiar experiences and events. Look through our new vocabulary list with your child, these will be sent home weekly. Literacy This half term we will be learning lots of different Nursery Rhymes. The children will be learning to copy the rhymes and develop their awareness of rhyme and rhythm. They will be encouraged to give meaning to marks they make when drawing and painting. You can help your child ay home by playing rhyming games. Allow your child to help you to write a shopping list or write their name in a greetings card. All opportunities to write their name for a purpose will help them gain confidence. Expressive Art and Design We will be learning how to use different art techniques and the associated tools with more control. The children will be supported to act in the role of different characters from rhymes and stories. You can help your child at home by supporting them to freely express their imagination when playing with small world, dressing up or pretending to be someone else. Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 Nursery Personal, Social and Emotional Development This half term the children will be continuing to learn how to follow our Nursery rules and the consequences of their actions. We will be supporting them to make friends and play co-operatively. You can help at home by giving your child the tools to talk about their emotions. How are they feeling and why are they feeling this way? What does your child like and not like? Homework Learn how to put on your coat all by your self. Share a book. Practise writing your name. Practise your favourite Nursery Rhyme. Look out for our weekly word bank of words that we will be learning and using the following week. Send any of your lovely learning to Understanding the World We will be learning about the different way families and children celebrate events at this time of year. We will talk about some of the things that make us unique. We will be visiting our local church and decorating a Christmas tree You can help your child at home by supporting them to be curious about the world we live in. Talk about street signs and other things they notice in their local area. Encourage them to ask questions about how things work and why things happen. Physical Development We will be supporting your child with putting their shoes on and off. It is important that as the weather becomes colder, you child is able to put on their own coat and hat. You can help your child by practising putting on their own coat and hat on at home. You can help by ensuring your child comes to school in shoes that they can easily take off and put on (e.g. Velcro fastening). You are invited to join our Parent Workshops which will run each week from Friday 16th November We would love parents to come into Nursery to learn play with their child. We will be learning a different Nursery Rhyme each week and teaching the children lots of different activities to develop their skills in all areas of the curriculum. Come along, enjoy the fun and make memories with your child. See Nursery staff for more details.

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