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Published byOswald Clement Bond Modified over 6 years ago
Enterprise Business Standards Finance/Supply Training
Please Do Not Place Phone on Hold November 7, 2018 Primary Conference Line: Conference ID:
Opening Remarks & Welcomes
FPRC/SPRC Chair Enterprise Business Standards Office (EBSO) Director Welcome Administrative Announcements Meeting Courtesies EBSO and Committees
Announcements Due to the large number of participants, in place of a roll call, please make sure you have provided an RSVP of your acceptance or with subject, “FPRC/SPRC Training” to have your attendance recorded. EBSO staff are monitoring DCS chat. You may type in your questions and they will be answered.
Training Credit Professional Certification/Continuous Education Training Credit. Finance personnel who have achieved Comptroller FM certification may be able to receive Continuing Education Training credits for this conference, based on the agenda and confirmed participation. Attendees working towards, or who have achieved, their DAU Life Cycle Logistics certification may use their participation in this PRC towards Continuous Learning Points credit. For the Fourth Estate, you can apply for credit via Defense Acquisition Talent Management System (DATMS). For all others, check with your DAU training coordinator for procedures to obtain credit. For DoD FM/Supply Certification and Continuing Education Credit Certificates, your full name as you want it to appear on your certificates.
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Meeting Courtesies Don’t place phone on hold Mute phone when not speaking (*6 Mute, *7 Unmute) Turn off ringers for cell phones and pagers Limit side conversations Identify speaker; speak clearly and concisely Share - Learn - Contribute
EMPOWER & Ground Rules
Communication Minute “Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty.
Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
EBSO Mission The Enterprise Business Standards Office (EBSO) serves as the DoD Executive Agent for logistics information exchange and serves as a DoD Enterprise Service Provider supporting the OSD Supply Chain Integration Office, the OSD Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy Office, and the OSD Comptroller office Is responsible for operation, formal collaboration, process improvement, and publication of revised guidance developed by DoD Process Review Committees (PRC) Administers DoD policy regarding the management of logistics transactions supported by both the Defense Logistics Standard Systems (DLSS), and the Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS)
EBSO Mission – cont. Serves as logistics advisor on multiple DoD, Federal Agency and DLA committees, working groups, integrated product teams (IPTs) and continuous process improvement (CPI) projects Is formally tasked in DoD publications to manage the Joint Physical Inventory Working Group (JPIWG), the Joint Small Arms/Light Weapons Coordinating Group (JSA/LWCG), the web-based Supply Discrepancy Reporting Program (WebSDR), the Finance Process Review Committee, and the DoD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD/Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) PRC Facilitates Enterprise integration and continuous improvement of operations by developing and maintaining the DoD logistics Information Exchange Infrastructure and publishing detailed guidance that identifies who does what, when, and how along the DoD logistics chain
EBSO Purpose/Mission Business Process Transformation & Interoperability Facilitate enterprise integration and continuous process improvements to logistics management and operations while maintaining interoperability by: Developing business rules that implement DoD policy Developing and managing the DoD logistics information exchange infrastructure Publishing detailed procedures that identify who does what, when, and how along the DoD logistics chain Business Rules Data Standards Transaction Formats Business Process Laws, Regulations & Policies
DAAS Business Services
Volumes CY – 7.5 Billion MILS & EDI CY – 8.0 Billion MILS & EDI CY – 9.0 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2013 – 7.4 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2012 – 8.3 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2011 – 9.0 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2010 – 9.6 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2009 – 9.7 Billion MILS & EDI CY 2008 – 8.4 Billion MILS & EDI Customers Suppliers DOD (98% of workload) Departments of: Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Defense Agencies Intelligence DOD Dependent Schools NATO FMS Countries Civilian (2% of workload) Commerce State Justice Transportation NASA GSA FAA VA Defense Logistics Agency Military Services General Services Administration Commercial Suppliers 264,917 Business Partners Worldwide DAAS Business Services Offered Enterprise Wide Order Fulfillment and Information Processing Editing, Validating, Routing & Archiving Performance Measurements Disparate systems interoperability This is a graphic representation of the DAAS Business Services service hub and the trading partners connected to the hub. The center of the graphic highlights the volume of data that passes through DAAS annually. The left side depicts customer systems and the right side depicts supplier system; collectively, there are the over 1000 systems that make up the logistics enterprise. By DOD policy, all the traffic must flow through DAAS. The key advantage is that each individual system connected to the hub has only one interface to maintain and that interface is with the DAAS. The sending system does not have to build separate interfaces to every downstream system receiving its data. The integration with all the other trading partner systems is provided by the central DAAS hub as a service. DAAS maintains a system profile for every unique trading partner system that allows it to seamlessly negotiate communications and security protocols with each system. This central hub service oriented architecture is the foundation that allows one system to transact business using MILS transactions, while transacting business with other systems that transact their business using DLMS. It is also very powerful from an operational standpoint when hurricanes, major fires or other natural disasters occur. The single touch point allows DAAS to control the follow of transactions. In other words, transactions can be stopped and started quickly from a central hub, if the need arises. Customer Business Transactions: MILS DLMS (X12 & XML) ANSI X12, XML UDF and IDoc Business Transport Methods: Websphere MQ SFTP SMTP HTTPS FEMA USPS GAO CG
DLMS Process Review Committees
INPUTS OUTPUTS A Structured Collaboration Model OMB/OSD Policy Guidance Service/Agency Requirements DAAS’s Technical Expertise Business Rules Business Objects Meta Data Functional Requirements MANAGED TRANSFORMATION PROCESS DAAS & Components Implement Artful Negotiation & Consensus Building Proposed DLMS Changes (PDCs)* Approved DLMS Changes (ADCs) * Time, tide & PDCs wait for no one. Respond timely or request an extension
DLMS Business Process Changes
YEAR PDCs ADCs TOTAL DLMS CHANGES 2008 46 42 88 2009 41 45 86 2010 61 58 119 2011 65 130 2012 100 2013 31 77 2014 44 53 97 2015 40 2016 30 24 54 2017 43 85 2018 17 (Jan-Sept) 29 (Jan-Sept) 459 509 968
Finance PRC Mission Forum through which the DOD Components and other organizations may participate in the development, expansion, improvement, maintenance, administration of billing and adjustment procedures for DOD logistics Has cognizance over the Interfund Billing System and other financial requirements for the Military Standard Billing System (MILSBILLS) The Chair, FPRC, in coordination with other FPRC members, is responsible for the contents of MILSBILLS, including DOD , Volume 4, and the Finance aspects of DLMS Implementation Conventions (ICs). Refer to volume 1, chapter 1, for DLMS PRC functions and responsibilities EBSO publications are available at:
Supply PRC Mission The forum through which the DoD Components and other participating organizations may participate in the development, expansion, improvement, maintenance, and administration of supply requirements for: The Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS) Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP) Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting Procedures (MILSTRAP) Reporting of Supply Discrepancies The Supply PRC chairperson, in coordination with the Supply PRC representatives, is responsible for the contents of the supply volume of the DLMS.
EBSO PRCs & Chartered Working Groups
DoD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) PRC (Chair: Tad DeLaney): DoDAAD DLMS Finance PRC (Chair: Robert Hammond): MILSBILLS Interfund DLMS Supply PRC (Co-Chairs: Eric Flanagan & Rafael Gonzalez): MILSTRIP (Administrator: Eric Flanagan ) MILSTRAP (Administrator: Rafael ) Supply Discrepancy Reporting (SDR) PRC (Administrator: Ben Breen): Pipeline Measurement (PM) PRC (Chair: Tonja Daniels): Joint Physical Inventory Working Group (JPIWG) (Chair: Rafael Gonzalez): JPIWG Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) PRC (Chair: Tad DeLaney):
Committee Points of Contact
Points of Contact lists are now stored at Intelink. You will need to register, but Intelink supports DoD CAC, FED PIV and Intelink Account (if the user does not have a CAC or PIV).
DLMS Training DLMS Training eLearning Tool:
DLMS Training Resources: Contact for DLMS Training Questions: Art of DOD Logistics DLMS Video:
EBSO Organizational Chart
Government Locations: 3 Battle Creek 2 Dayton 2 Columbus 1 New Cumberland 1 Richmond 6 Fort Belvoir Personnel: 1 Military 15 Civilians 8 Contractors
Agenda Enterprise Business Standards - Web Fund Code; FMF7360
Aligned FM Competencies: Budget Execution – Proficiency Level 3 - Hrs. 1 Financial Management Systems – Proficiency Level 3 - Hrs. 1 Total 2 - DLMS Functional Financial Transaction Life-Cycle; FMF7318 Aligned FM Competencies: Financial Management Systems - Proficiency Level 3 - Hrs. 1 Budget Execution - Proficiency Level 3 - Hrs. 3 Total 4
Agenda Enterprise Business Standards
Implementation of Standard Line of Account Aligned FM Competencies: Budget Execution – Proficiency Level 3 – Hrs. .5 Financial Management Systems – Proficiency Level 3 - Hrs. 1 Total 1.5 DLMS Website Tour (Time permitting)
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