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High resolution direct frequency comb spectroscopy of vinyl bromide and nitromethane in the CH stretch region Bryan Changala1, Ben Spaun1, David Patterson2,

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Presentation on theme: "High resolution direct frequency comb spectroscopy of vinyl bromide and nitromethane in the CH stretch region Bryan Changala1, Ben Spaun1, David Patterson2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 High resolution direct frequency comb spectroscopy of vinyl bromide and nitromethane in the CH stretch region Bryan Changala1, Ben Spaun1, David Patterson2, and Jun Ye1 1JILA, NIST and University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 2Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2 Leveraging frequency combs for high resolution molecular spectroscopy
High resolution: width of comb modes ≈ 50 kHz High bandwidth: cm-1 High throughput: simultaneous measurements High sensitivity: effective path length ≈ m Frequency Cavity modes Comb light Kelvin

3 Outline Vinyl bromide: a “simple” case
Resolving spectral congestion Accurate relative intensities in broadband spectra 2. Nitromethane: a progress report Unhindered internal rotation Complicated and subtle aspects of the asymmetric CH stretching + internal rotation dynamics

4 CH stretch modes of vinyl bromide
~ frequency elements, ~1 hr

5 Vinyl bromide band Near prolate top, only a-type observed
(though b-type transitions are allowed) R(9) 79Br 81Br R(0)

6 molecular constants High accuracy, high resolution spectra
Reliable relative intensities Fast data acquisition times

7 Nitromethane, CH3NO2 E Free internal rotation 50 cm-1 22 cm-1 5.5 cm-1
V = 2 cm-1

8 Overview spectrum of CH3NO2 at 3.3 μm
In-plane Out-of-plane

9 Model 4D CH stretch-torsion calculation
Asymmetric CH stretch modes are strongly coupled via torsion; vibration-vibrational angular momentum coupling

10 CH stretch motion with internal rotation
Consider the “out-of-plane” CH stretching motion… Adiabatic internal rotation limit: CH stretch fixed to ONO plane Fast internal rotation limit: CH stretch fixed to rotor

11 Model 4D CH stretch-torsion calculation
oop, m = 0

12 Take a look at the out-of-plane CH stretch
In-plane Out-of-plane

13 Out-of-plane CH stretch (m = 0)
0.2 cm-1

14 But wait, there’s more! rotation-torsion-vibration coupling
Total rotation Vibrational angular momentum Torsional internal rotation

15 The in-plane CH stretch
Out-of-plane In-plane CH stretch band appears to be highly perturbed—analysis ongoing!

16 Conclusions Cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy + Buffer gas cooled molecule source = Large volumes of high resolution spectra Continuing work: CH region of CH3NO2 exhibits non-trivial, highly coupled torsional-rotational-vibrational nuclear motion dynamics, a challenging experimental and theoretical problem! Funding: DARPA SCOUT, AFOSR, NIST, NSF-JILA PFC (JILA) NSF GRFP (BC), NRC RAP (BS)

17 Buffer gas cooling frequency comb spectrometer

18 Buffer gas cooling of CH3NO2
Doppler width Rotational temp. Trot = 10.7(12) K

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