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Self Organized Networks

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1 Self Organized Networks
Doctoral School ICI Course Project Self Organized Networks CLASS : a Cross-Layer Attack, Subtle and Simple Alaeddine EL-FAWAL LCA : Laboratory for computer Communications and Applications February 6th, 2004

2 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions Our Attack

3 Facts & Objectives Facts : Objectives : Hotspots anywhere
24,000 world-wide soon 100 so far in Switzerland Given the limited bandwidth: Attacks are benificial!! (Gain in banwidth and money ) At the network layer : (well discussed in the literature) What about MAC layer ? (Rarely discussed) MAC layer protocol : Objectives : Find vulnerabilities in Protect We are concerned in rational behavior.

4 Facts & Objectives Misbehavior scenario Well-behaved node

5 OUTLINE Related Work Facts and Objectives Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

6 Existing Attacks : (Rational Cheater)
Related Work Existing Attacks : (Rational Cheater) Specially based on manipulating backoff time /DIFS: Decreasing Backoff / DIFS  Increasing Priority A cheater can: Change his own Parameters : Reduce Contention Windows. Transmit before DIFS ... increase cheater´s priority Act directly against other nodes : Selectively scramble others´ Pkts . Others will increase their Contention Windows. decrease other nodes´ priorities

7 Related Work Existing Solutions
1 - Proposed by Kyasanur and Vaidya : Concept: the receiver assigns backoff values to the sender Detection: compare expected and observed backoffs Correction: assign penalty to the cheater Drawbacks: Modification of IEEE The receiver can control the sender Only one traffic pattern Only one type of misbehavior

8 Related Work Existing Solutions
2 – DOMINO Solutions : Station sends before DIFS: Easily detectable after few packets CTS/ACK scrambling: Detectable using the number of retransmissions Manipulated backoff: more subtle Detection metrics Throughput and delay ? NO because: Traffic dependent Subject to many factors Backoff ? YES but: Cannot be distinguished if the sender has large delays Collisions lead to confusing situations

9 Motivation for our Proposal
OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

10 Motivation for our Proposal The Above Attacks
The Above Attacks are Uplink (Cheater  AP) Realistic traffic Downlink AP belongs to ISP : Trusted Node. The above Attacks are not relevant anymore Furthermore 90% of traffic : TCP (http, FTP, ...) To kill TCP connections : network layer Attacks (dsniff) BUT Fail in presence of Authentication (IPsec)

11 Motivation for our Proposal
Efficient Smart Attack against TCP on the downlink. At the MAC Layer. First Attack that combines and TCP Vulnerabilities Transparent to TCP and MAC: Hard to detect. Efficient even when using IPsec

12 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

13 Our Attack Uses the following 802.11 vulnerability :
MAC Frame Header Copying of transmitter address (AP) MAC-ACK No Authentication, No source Address

14 Our Attack Attack Description
Simple Scenario : Sc S Mc M INTERNET Well-behaved node‘s Pkts AP Queue Cheater‘s Pkts MAC-ACK TCP AP TCP TCP Pkt is lost. AP knows nothing about this loss. It dequeues the frame. (No retransmissions) TCP decreases its window. Repeated loss  killed TCP connection

15 Result: increasing the cheater’s Throughput
Our Attack Attack Description General Case : Jam all TCP Pkts or TCP-ACKs that don´t belong to the cheater. Send MAC-ACK to the transmiter. Prob. of jamming : X (X=1, jamming all other nodes‘ Pkts) Cheater´s Benefits : Killing TCP Connections  reducing load at AP & Wireless Channel. Decreasing Delay (No retransmission due to collision) Minimizing Loss Prob. (No Drop at AP) Result: increasing the cheater’s Throughput

16 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

17 Simulation Simulator : Implementation of the attacks in ns-2.27.
To be completely transparent, only TCP traffic is jammed (ctrl. Pkts. are saved) Results are averaged over 5 simulations.

18 Simulation Simulated Scenario : DCF
Mc M INTERNET AP FTP DCF TCP traffic on the downlink (FTP connections). Channel capacity : 1Mbps TCP Pkt size : 1000 Bytes 2 cases : Immediate jamming. Delayed jamming (after a warmup period).

19 Simulation Immediate Jamming :

20 Simulation Delayed Jamming (warmup period):

21 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

22 This attack is completely
Detection Problems : How to distinguish between jamming & collision. Even if jamming is detected, the cheater remains unknown. Downlink jamming is not detectable near the AP. AP signal strength is larger than the jamming signal strength near the AP. Placing sensors near the AP is useless. Existing DOMINO procedures cannot detect it This attack is completely Transparent to MAC and TCP.

23 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

24 Perspectives To make detection more difficult, the cheater may use On/Off jamming periods. Multiple cheaters. Network collapses. Pareto-optimal point. Applying game theory: the move is to change the jamming prob. BUT: We need to detect the attack. To avoid this attack: Without modifying Here is the challenge!! Modifying NACK. Authentication.

25 OUTLINE Facts and Objectives Related Work Motivation for our Proposal
Our Attack Simulation Detection Perspectives Conclusions

26 Conclusions First attack that combines 802.11 & TCP vulnerabilities.
Completely transparent: Jamming = collision. MAC-ACK is not authenticated. Very efficient on the downlink as well as on the uplink. More harmful to TCP than UDP flows.


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