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Beyond Survival in the Academy

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1 Beyond Survival in the Academy
Presented by Sean Humpherys

2 Overview Companion book to “Survival in the Academy” with author commentary Suggests or addresses starting at a non-Research I. school

3 Tenure Tenure promotes academic freedom and as financially reward
Tenure criticism is “hindrance to economic utility” Trend and pressure to replace tenure with other reward mechanisms

4 Tenure Advice Start early
Set goals and develop plan in graduate school Get a mentor Tenure is part political

5 Tenure Portfolio Sections for Research Teaching and Service

6 Tenure Portfolio Teaching Portfolio Student evaluation
Curricular innovations Successful class activities Lectures & Syllabus Assessment instruments Student learning outcomes Videotapes of teaching

7 Tenure Portfolio Research Portfolio Publications
Unpublished manuscripts Sponsored Research projects Conference proceedings Pedagogical applications of research Research in progress Scholarly activities

8 Tenure Portfolio Service Portfolio Service to department
Service to students Service to college Service to community

9 Survive Transition First year is the most difficult Get a mentor
Plan for hidden costs Moving, professional attire, student loans, parking, socializing, automobile, unions Use a university credit union

10 Teaching Learn to teach, “make the time”
“We are expected to pick up teaching by osmosis.” (Millman 1994) Current trend in teaching is “Active Learning” High-interest lessons based on real-world situations Author recommends Davis’ (1993) book “Tools for Teaching”

11 Teaching Service Learning (student projects)
(summary link and internet link are best resources) Visit your institution teaching resource center. ( Two great classes Learner Centered Teaching Grad697a Technology in the class room

12 Research Publish or Perish
Develop your research goals (even in Ph.D. program) Set aside time each week (I say each day) to progress your research Very hard first year to research Self-promotion needed, converse with colleagues about your research

13 Research Goals in Grad School
Personal example: Read all the abstracts and be familiar with the research from MIS, ISR, JMIS, MS, CACM, IEEET, JAIS, for the past 5 years Five published papers before graduation Two published papers from my dissertation work One co-authorship in a Tier 1 journal Two conference papers or non-tier 1 journals A dataset for future work and future publications Be a reviewer four times (one being from a tier 1 journal)

14 Service Know your departmental guidelines
Time consuming, balance service with research and teaching Limit or postpone service in your first year Service to department, institution, & community.

15 Networking Meet people, develop long-term friendships
“How can I serve you?” attitude Listen 80% Talk 20% Don’t gossip or criticize. It’s a small world.

16 Q & A

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