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What is an anticompetitive effect?

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Presentation on theme: "What is an anticompetitive effect?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an anticompetitive effect?
Pablo Ibáñez Colomo London School of Economics and College of Europe

2 What is it, though?

3 Competitive disadvantage
Consumer welfare

4 ‘26. In order to establish whether the price discrimination on the part of an undertaking in a dominant position vis-à-vis its trade partners tends to distort competition on the downstream market, as the Advocate General submitted, in essence, in paragraph 63 of his Opinion, the mere presence of an immediate disadvantage affecting operators who were charged more, compared with the tariffs applied to their competitors for an equivalent service, does not, however, mean that competition is distorted or is capable of being distorted’. Case C‑525/16, MEO

5 Anticompetitive effect ≠ Competitive disadvantage

6 ‘250. With regard to the third part of the second ground of appeal, it must be held at the outset that, in paragraphs 234 to 244 of the judgment under appeal, the General Court correctly rejected the Commission’s arguments to the effect that the very existence of a pricing practice of a dominant undertaking which leads to the margin squeeze of its equally efficient competitors constitutes an abuse within the meaning of Article [102 TFEU], and that it is not necessary for an anti-competitive effect to be demonstrated’. Case C-280/08, Deutsche Telekom

7 ‘38. Indeed, to the extent that a dominant undertaking sets its prices at a level covering the great bulk of the costs attributable to the supply of the goods or services in question, it will, as a general rule, be possible for a competitor as efficient as that undertaking to compete with those prices without suffering losses that are unsustainable in the long term’. Case C-209/10, Post Danmark I

8 ‘39. It is for the court making the reference to assess the relevant circumstances of the case in the main proceedings in the light of the finding made in the previous paragraph. In any event, it is worth noting that it appears from the documents before the Court that Forbruger- Kontakt managed to maintain its distribution network despite losing the volume of mail related to the three customers involved and managed, in 2007, to win back the Coop group’s custom and, since then, that of the Spar group’. Case C-209/10, Post Danmark I

9 Anticompetitive effect ≠ Anything that makes competitors’ life more difficult

10 Anticompetitive effect = Impact on rivals’ ability and incentive to compete

11 ’73. It follows that fixing an appreciability (de minimis) threshold for the purposes of determining whether there is an abuse of a dominant position is not justified. That anticompetitive practice is, by its very nature, liable to give rise to not insignificant restrictions of competition, or even of eliminating competition on the market on which the undertaking concerned operates’. Case C-23/14, Post Danmark II

12 Anticompetitive effect ≠ Appreciability of the effect

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