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Presentation on theme: "SYMBOLIC SELF-PORTRAIT"— Presentation transcript:




4 Never said…you couldn’t draw yourself.



7 What Principles of design does this work represent?



10 What makes a good composition?

11 What do you think about this composition?



14 What kind of person do you think made this?


16 Grading Rubric 1 2 3 4 Composition and Subject matter Student created a composition with little or no consideration of the elements/ principles of design studied. Student created a composition using few of the elements/ principles studied. Student created an interesting composition using many of the elements/ principles of design studied. Student applied all of the elements/ principles studied with intention and thought. An effective composition was created where a defined focal point is present Skill and Techniques Student applied the medium with limited skill. The finished product was hurried or not refined. Student applied medium with developing skills. Value was not created with full contrast or craftsmanship. Student skillfully applied medium and the finished product demonstrates evidence of being refined and good craftsmanship. Applies 1 way of shading. Student skillfully applied medium and created a full range of value. The student demonstrates excellent craftsmanship in using at least 2 different ways of creating value. Responding and Reflection Student did not bring in objects to draw and demonstrated little or no reflecting on their artistic decisions throughout the process. Student chose a subject for the art with little purpose. Student demonstrated limited evidence of reflecting and thought. Student chose correct number of objects and reflected on personal artistic decisions. Student demonstrated written evidence of the design cycle. Student thoughtfully chose all objects that were relevant to their experiences. Student demonstrated excellent written reflection.

17 Still-life Observational Drawing Self-Portrait
CRITERIA Still-life Observational Drawing Self-Portrait PLANNING 0-10 points Planning is complete. Thoughtful and original approach to the overall composition as well as the use of materials. Work goes beyond the minimum. Student created thumbnail sketches before starting large composition. COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS 0-50 points Drawing fills the paper in an interesting composition, at least 2 edges are “off the page”. Drawings should show interior detail and accuracy of proportion through observation. Student applies 2 different value techniques (soft-shading, cross-hatching, stippling, etc.). The composition demonstrates an area of interest or focal point by implementing color and black and white effectively. Student drew at least 2 objects from observation Overall composition shows successful application of elements and principles (Line, Value, Color, Balance, and Emphasis). EFFORT/ CRAFTMANSHIP 0-30 points Drawing is clean, void of pencil smudges. Lines are fluid. Work is complete. TIME MANAGEMENT On task during in class days. Project displays direction and focus with theme, materials and composition.

18 Brainstorm in your sketchbooks images you can use…only 3 have to be drawn from observation. * May use words, quotes, etc ..incorporate different ways to shade, soft-shading, cross-hatching, stippling. Think about how you are going to arrange the symbols/ images, observational drawings into an interesting composition.


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