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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Kyrene de Estrella Welcome to Curriculum Night *Please find your student’s desk-He/she wrote a note for you. *Please leave your child a short note on the back of the paper for them to find tomorrow. *Use the green sheet provided to leave me any questions /concerns specific to your child or about tonight’s presentation. I will get back to you by the end of this week.

2 Social Media Participants:

3 About Ms. Johnson Arizona native
BA in Psychology from ASU (Go Devils!) Masters Degree in Elementary Ed. from ASU One of a few teachers who helped open up Estrella in 1999. I have a son in 12th grade, Hunter LOVE BUGS!!!

4 Scholastic News Magazines We will be using this magazine every month in our classroom. It will include articles on current events and educational activities for the students to do. Our ESTRELLA PTO has graciously covered the initial cost of our classroom subscription for the beginning of the year. We are asking for any donations to help reimburse this fee. The price per child is $5.00 however, any donation would be greatly appreciated. You can make a check out to ESTRELLA PTO or send money in a sealed envelope labeled PTO. Thank you for your support!!

5 Classroom Management Positive Rewards STAR slips YODA basket
Clipping up Table Points Verbal praise Behavioral Issues 2 warnings Clipping down Refocus area Written letter from child to student or parent to home

6 Daily School Schedule Morning Meeting
Listening & Learning Focus Lessons from CKLA Daily Math Review Math - Centers/Games & Small Math Groups Whole group discussions, CGI, focus on strategies/efficiency Snack recess Recess/Lunch Daily Language Review Phonics, Phonemic Awareness Activities Specials Literacy Centers & Small Reading Groups S. Studies, Science, and Health are throughout the week

7 Special Areas Schedule
Monday: Art w/ Mrs. Parker Tuesday: P.E. w/ Mrs. Iosca Wednesday: Computer Lab w/ me Thursday: Music w/ Mr. Rogers Friday: Library w/ Mrs. Buck * Tennis shoes need to be worn on P.E. days

8 Math Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematical Practices Whole Group and Small Groups Instruction will be taken from Scott Foresman Investigations , Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley materials, Kathy Fosnot units, and Engage NY.

9 Language Arts Reading Process
* Print concepts * Phonemic awareness * Phonics * Vocabulary (Listening & Learning Focus Lessons) * HFW (1-75) * Fluency (end of year goal= correctly read 47 words in 60 seconds) * Comprehension Literature and Informational Text (Comprehension) * Key Ideas and Details * Integrations of Knowledge and Ideas * Range of Reading and Text Complexity Vocabulary Acquisition and Use * Determine meaning of unknown words in context * Understand word relationships * Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and responding to texts Reading and Language Arts are taught via whole group, small group, and individual instruction using Core Knowledge Language Arts program.

10 Language Arts cont. Listening and Speaking
* Participate and collaborate in conversations * Ask and answer questions about texts read or stories listened to * Express ideas clearly * Produce complete sentences Our Core Knowledge program is aligned to the Common Core Reading Standards. The guiding principle of this curriculum is to provide educational excellence and equity for ALL children by allowing equal access to “common knowledge”. Domains: Fables, Human Body, Different Lands/Similar Stories, Early World Civilizations, Early American Civilizations, Astronomy, History of Earth, Animals and Habitats, Fairy Tales, A New Nation-Am. Independence, and Frontier Explorers

11 Language Arts Writing * Complete sentences
* Short paragraphs with beg., middle, and end * Informative/Narrative/Opinion stories * Research report * Publish writing samples using digital tools Adopted materials are Lucy Caulkins and Core Knowledge Language Arts.

12 Spelling Language Arts Weekly Tests start between 1st and 2nd quarters
Approx. 8 words (spelling patterns & tricky words) Occasional dictation as extra credit

13 Science Movement (balance + motion) – Sept./Oct.
Sky & Weather – Nov./Dec. Rocks and Earth Materials – Jan./Feb. Living Things and Their Habitats – April/May

14 Health Respect/Responsibility/Cooperation Community Workers
Healthy Habits Fire Safety Dental Health

15 Social Studies Family/Community/Neighborhood/Country Citizenship
Map Reading Providers of Goods/Services World Cultures

16 Technology Computer lab & classroom laptops Basic computer operations
Create a slide show ( Pixie) Create a simple document (Word) & save to a specified folder Research Digital Portfolios in Spring Conferences

17 Book Celebrations *bring book Starts Tuesday, October 16th !
1 due every week for entire 2nd Quarter- oral 3rd Qtr-Mobile, 4th Qtr-Diorama –every 3rd week 5 pts possible *bring book *say title *say author *few sentences for the summary *show/tell favorite picture Part of homework grade on report card Starts Tuesday, October 16th ! Your child’s scheduled day will be located in on my webpage. More information will be sent home via as date nears.

18 Homework Definition * Book Celebrations 2nd-4th Quarters
* Monthly Reading Calendars (Sept) * Possible Unfinished Center Work * Possible Small Group Assignments

19 Class Parties 4x per year - Fall, Winter, Friendship, End of Year
Volunteers needed to help organize. Birthdays – sing & receive signed card from the class. NO INVITATIONS ALLOWED!! Please use the class list that was created to invite peers to parties or playdates.

20 YODA’S YARN Every Friday a new student will be chosen to take home Yoda for the week. Kids will return him to school the following Wed. or Thurs. along with a short story on what “adventures” he/she had with him. With parent permission of course, YODA may go anywhere and participate in any family event. JUST MAKE SURE HE IS RETURNED IN HIS BAG AND WITH HIS NOTEBOOK!!

21 VOLUNTEERS Class parties/ Party organizer Art Masterpiece 4 x
Library Time (Fridays in am?) PTO functions Guest Reader (Wed. am ??)

22 Additional Information
Curriculum Facts Estrella website Ms. Johnson’s website Leave phone

23 Thank you for coming! If needed, please fill out the green form and leave it on your child’s desk. me or call me

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