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Improving the SCG added value : Food for thoughts

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1 Improving the SCG added value : Food for thoughts
toitototototoot Improving the SCG added value : Food for thoughts French Water, Marine & Biodiversity Directorate French Ministry of ecology, sustainable development and energy (MEDDE) Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie

2 Up to now: The CIS Has been existing for more than 10 years
toitototototoot Up to now: public-private partnerships in France The CIS Has been existing for more than 10 years 3 levels : Water Directors, SCG, working groups Each level with its own tasks : endorsement, reviewing before endorsement, producing guidances The SCG has been a place: to exchange with NGO’s to review documents produced by WGs to prepare Water Directors’ meetings

3 toitototototoot Needs for improvement As highlighted when preparing the new CIS mandate & discussed with WD, the SCG: has often a «never ending» agenda is spending too much time on technical issues has not enough time to have strategic discussions

4 Strengthen the strategic role of SCG
toitototototoot Strengthen the strategic role of SCG Keep what has proven usefulness Preparing decisions for Water Directors Place of exchanges with a wide range of water partners First improvements agreed by the Water Directors Co-chairing the SCG : COM/MS (possibly 1 MS of the troïka) Setting up a pre-SCG which : makes easier defining the strategic matters (for the SCG) from the technical works drawn by the WGs establishes a targeted agenda for SCG meetings

5 Proposed additional way forward (1)
toitototototoot public-private partnershipsin France Proposed additional way forward (1) Better specify pre SCG’s role SCG agenda, intergroups coordination, cross cutting work, identification of « bottlenecks » for SCG discussions,… Reduce to a mimimun state of the art presentations by WG (written reports to be uploaded in CIRCA) Identify a limited number of key issues, where SCG will have to chose policy and technical options (raised by WG) Present political/technical options to WD for endorsment

6 Proposed way forward (2)
toitototototoot public-private partnerships in France Proposed way forward (2) Identify key topics for the future workshops to have a first exchange of experiences on new topics Contribute to the transfer of scientific knowledge useful for the implementation of the WFD in close contact with SPI activity Facilitate the dissemination of CIS outputs (CIRCA, briefs, conferences,…) Help to create links with relevant river basins actors in charge of WFD field implementation 6

7 Thanks for your attention !
toitototototoot public-private partnerships in France Thanks for your attention ! 7

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