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Chemistry 332 SI Greg P March 1, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry 332 SI Greg P March 1, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry 332 SI Greg P March 1, 2017

2 Upcoming Schedule Tomorrow – 7:10-8:00 in Carver 0298 Sunday – 6:10-7:00 in Carver 0298 Monday – 5:10-7:00 in Carver 0268

3 Review Problem Draw the mechanism for the following reaction

4 Imine / acetal Review Game
Each member of a team will take turns going up to the board The person will write their answer on the board When they believe they have the right answer, they must turn around from the board and then it will be graded as right or wrong The first team to correctly draw the products or reactants will earn 1 point, except for special “bonus” questions If a member does not know the answer, they MAY go back to their table to ask for help, but time does not stop!

5 Predict the product…

6 Give the Reactants…

7 Predict the product…

8 Predict the product… (Bonus 2 point question)

9 Give the Reactants…

10 Give the Reactants…

11 Predict the product…

12 Give the Reactants… (Bonus 2 Point Question)

13 Give the Reactants…

14 Predict the product…

15 Predict the product…

16 Give the Reactants…

17 Thanks for playing!! Now on to some other reactions…
Give the product (and think about the mechanism!)

18 Utility of Cyanohydrins
Give the products…

19 Wittig Reaction Show the mechanism…

20 Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation Introduction…
Predict the products of the following reaction…

21 Putting it all together
Perform the following synthesis…

22 See you next Time!! Tomorrow – 7:10-8:00 in Carver 0298 Sunday – 6:10-7:00 in Carver 0298 Monday – 5:10-7:00 in Carver 0268

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