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Causes of the Great Depression

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2 Causes of the Great Depression
Overproduction Real Estate Speculation Buying on Credit Stock Market Speculation--Crash of 1929 Hoover’s ‘Trickle Down’ Economics Norris-LaGuardia Anti Injunction Act Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Bonus Army

3 When everyone wants their money all at the same time, a problem comes up (The Crash—Black Tuesday and Thursday).


5 The Crash-Black Tuesday and Thursday
What were people doing on this day? When was it finally over? October 24, Black Tuesday Hundreds of people began widely selling their stocks-Panic October 29, 1929-Black Thursday

6 Streets the day the NY stock market crashed

7 A crowd gathers outside New York’s American Union Bank during a bank run in 1931.

8 Hungry Americans waiting in line for food during the Great Depression

9 Unemployment line in New York City


11 Causes of the Great Depression
Overproduction Real Estate Speculation Buying on Credit Stock Market Speculation--Crash of 1929 Hoover’s ‘Trickle Down’ Economics Norris-LaGuardia Anti Injunction Act Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) Bonus Army Group work: Answer the aim using specific examples from each document.

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