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Critical Thinking Journal

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1 Critical Thinking Journal
Interpret the political cartoon above

2 The Nation’s Sick Economy
Unit 7

3 Economic Troubles on the Horizon
No longer producing goods for WWI Automobile and textile good sales went down People accrued a large amount of personal debt Credit was given to people who were not reliable “Buying Goods on Credit” The sell of houses fell Farmers Crop prices fell Farmers grew more Spent more money Crop Surplus Prices to fall further



6 Economic Troubles on the Horizon
Seemingly prosperous 1920s people lived on credit Growing divide between the rich and poor 1928 Herbert Hoover won Presidential election by a landslide

7 YouTube Videos

8 The Stock Market Comes Tumbling Down
Speculation – trying to buy and sell to make a quick buck Buying on Margin – paying a percentage down and borrowing the rest to buy a stock Black Tuesday – October 29, 1929 – The Stock Market Crash and the beginning of the Great Depression

9 Suffering during the great depression
Shantytowns – small towns of nothing but shacks that sprung up on the outskirts of cities Minority Groups – hit worst The Dust Bowl – overuse of farmland and a drought

10 Herbert Hoover True? Believed in “Rugged Individualism”
Opposed all forms of welfare Was blamed for not fixing the Depression Hoover Blankets Hoovervilles True? R.F.C An organization established by Hoover and later used to spend government money on loans and building projects

11 Hooverville Hoover Blanket

12 Soup Kitchens & Bread Lines
During the Great Depression, sometimes the only food people received was from soup kitchens

13 Al Capone and other mobsters ran soup kitchens for the poor

14 The Bonus Army YouTube Video

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