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Vision: deep learning in all classrooms/ Focus on Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Vision: deep learning in all classrooms/ Focus on Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision: deep learning in all classrooms/ Focus on Learning
OE’s upfront Transparent success criteria Clear purpose to learning Evaluate OEs Triangulation of data Opportunities for student self-direction Student voice and choice determine the what, how and when of learning Deep thinking/deep learning strategies Critical literacy Integrative thinking models Deep questions/q-charts Problem solving; challenged based learning; inquiry based learning

2 Student Success Team Targets

3 Student Success Team Administration Guidance Learning Resource

4 Student Success Team Targets
Grade 9s 100% of grade 9 students achieving the credits they are scheduled in. Grade 12+ 59 of 79 grade 12+ students identified at risk through progressing with difficulty, credit accumulation or no community hours, will graduate.

5 100% of grade 9 students achieving the credits they are scheduled in.
Grade 9 Target 100% of grade 9 students achieving the credits they are scheduled in.

6 Why Target Grade 9s? Credit Accumulation
This graph illustrates how credit accumulation impacts graduation. The analysis of Ontario student achievement data continues to demonstrate that graduation rates are greatly reduced for students who do not meet credit accumulation benchmarks. **EARLY INTERVENTION IS KEY** Data From: Ontario Ministry of Education

7 64 21.04% 14 4.53% 5 1.62% 83 27.19% # of Students % of Students 1 PWD
Westmount Data: Oct 2016: Grade 9s Progressing With Difficulty (309 GRADE 9S) # of Students % of Students 1 PWD 64 21.04% 2 PWD 14 4.53% 3 or 4 PWD 5 1.62% TOTAL 83 27.19% Future Topic: What does it mean to be PWD? -Explain Data Targeted intervention for 22 students

8 Grade 12+ Target 59 of 79 grade 12+ students identified at risk through progressing with difficulty, credit accumulation or no community hours, will graduate.

9 Westmount Data: Oct 2016: Grade 12+s Progressing With Difficulty
# students 2 PWD 22 3 or 4 PWD 17 Low credits 30 W/O 40 hours 10 TOTAL 79

10 Why Target Grade 12+s? Graduation Plan Graduate! Pathways

11 How will we meet these targets?
Early Intervention! Early Intervention! Classroom Teachers, Guidance, Learning Resource, Student Success, Administration

12 Student Success Identify Students At Risk Work with these students
Contact home Monitor these students Put supports in place in conjunction with the Student Success Team

13 Learning Resource Meet with students Contact parents/guardians
Connected students to school and community supports (guidance, social worker, medical, COAST, etc) Develop individualized support plan Check in and monitor student well being and progress Develop and update IEPs with student, teacher and parental input

14 Student Services Meet with the student
Try to get to the root of the issue Connect with parents/guardians Make a plan Record notes in powerschool It is helpful to have both the teacher’s perspective and the student’s, and sometimes the family’s. Good communication is key. Or Guidance?

15 Who to Contact A-E Jen Currie (email Jennifer Petrossi)
F-L Mike Armstrong M-Q Jyoti Nagal R-Z Heather Rex

16 Classroom Teachers Importance of...

17 Strategies for Teachers
Check At Risk List Check IEP Connect with LRT, Guidance, SS and/or Admin Connect with student Connect with parents

18 More Strategies for Teachers
Develop appropriate support plan and monitor progress Revise plan as necessary with student input Ensure learning is accessible to all

19 Student Attendance

20 Student Attendance Attendance seems to be a growing concern and needs to be a combined effort...WE NEED YOUR HELP! Administration currently tracks consecutive absences (5-7+) but need support with sporadic attendance Attendance interventions are not a checklist but rather need to be continual and persistent as you are the front lines.

21 Pyramid of Interventions - Attendance
This Tier will be looked at on a continuous basis: Phone Call Home Guidance contact & cc Admin Attendance Letter sent SS involvement Admin meeting with Ss and/or Parents Tier 3 - ongoing 11+ Abs. Throughout the entire process communication is key: Teacher to relay interventions to Guidance/LRT/SS/Admin and vice versa Parent Meeting with Admin Social Work involvement Tier 2 - ongoing 6-10 Abs. This Tier will be looked at monthly utilizing professional judgement for intervention strategies: Teacher - Student Conference Phone Call Home Guidance/LRT Contact Tier 1 - monthly 3-5 Abs.

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