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Appendicular Practice Practical

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Presentation on theme: "Appendicular Practice Practical"— Presentation transcript:

1 Appendicular Practice Practical

2 4

3 9. Name of bone 7 8 5 6

4 14. Name of bone 13 12 10 11

5 15 Name of bone 16

6 17 18 17 18 18

7 19. Name of bone 20F G 22H

8 23 24 26 25

9 27. Name of bone 29 28

10 30. Name of bone 31 32

11 34 33


13 Answers Ilium Acetabulum Obturator foramen Sciatic notch
Medial epicondyle Lateral condyle Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter femur Olecranon fossa Deltoid tuberosity Greater tubercle Humerus Fibula Lateral malleolus Capitulum Trochlea Ulna Olecranon process Coronoid process Styloid process

14 23. coracoid process 24. scapular notch 25. subscapular fossa 26. glenoid cavity 27. radius 28. styloid process 29. radial tuberosity 30 . tibia 31. tibial tuberosity 32 medial malleolus 33. ischium 34. pubic bone


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