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Volume 4, Issue 5, Pages (May 2003)

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1 Volume 4, Issue 5, Pages 639-650 (May 2003)
The C. elegans hunchback Homolog, hbl-1, Controls Temporal Patterning and Is a Probable MicroRNA Target  Shin-Yi Lin, Steven M Johnson, Mary Abraham, Monica C Vella, Amy Pasquinelli, Chiara Gamberi, Ellen Gottlieb, Frank J Slack  Developmental Cell  Volume 4, Issue 5, Pages (May 2003) DOI: /S (03)

2 Figure 1 The hbl-1 Gene (A) The intron/exon structure of hbl-1. The relative position of the mg285 allele is shown: a 301 bp deletion from position to position (numbering for cosmid F13D11, accession number U40939). (B) In the hbl-1(mg285) mutant, intron 2 plus 69 codons from exons 2 and 3 are deleted, leading to a frameshift predicted to terminate in a premature stop codon, compared with the wild-type sequence. mg285 also contains a C to A point mutation, 8 nt 3′ to the deletion endpoint. (C) HBL-1 is a close relative of Hb (accession numbers AF [hbl-1] and Y00274 [hb]). The amino acid sequence of the indicated zinc finger region of C. elegans (C.e.) HBL-1 is shown in an alignment with D. melanogaster (D.m.) Hb. (D) hbl-1(mg285) does not affect the timing of let-7 RNA expression. Northern blots prepared from RNA isolated from wild-type or hbl-1(mg285) animals at different developmental stages were hybridized with let-7 and U6 probes. Two independent experiments reveal the same trend. Numbers represent the ratio of RNA in the hbl-1 mutant versus the wild-type strain, normalized to the U6 loading control and averaged over the two experiments. Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

3 Figure 2 The Heterochronic Phenotypes of hbl-1(mg285)
Anterior is left; ventral is down; magnification, 400×. (A) Wild-type L4 animal exhibiting normal unfused seam cells. (B) hbl-1(mg285) L4 animal displaying precocious seam cell fusion. (C and D) Nomarski images of the same animals as in (A) and (B), respectively, focused on the gonad to show developmental staging. (E) Precocious alae formation in an hbl-1(mg285) L4 animal (arrow). (F) hbl-1(mg285) adults form extra seam nuclei (arrows). (G and H) Nomarski images of the gonads of the animals in (E) and (F), respectively. Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

4 Figure 3 Postembryonic Expression Pattern of HBL-1/GFP in Wild-Type and let-7 Animals (A) An early L1 BW1932 animal showing HBL-1/GFP expression in hypodermal cells. Lateral seam cells (lines) are shadowed by more GFP expression in hyp7 (magnification, 400×). Nucleus of V6 (most-posterior line), green. (B) Expression is largely absent from seam cells in a mid L1 BW1932 animal (lines) but is present in P cells (arrows) (magnification, 630×). (C) HBL-1/GFP expression in BW1932 is most intense in embryos (arrowhead), decreases in L1s (line), and is virtually absent in the hypodermis of an L3 animal (arrow) (magnification, 400×). (D) Strain BW1981 contains an integrated array similar to BW1932, except that the hbl-1 3′UTR is replaced by the unc-54 3′UTR and the nuclear localization signal on GFP is missing. HBL-1/GFP in the hypodermis of embryos, an L2 animal (bottom), an L3 animal (top), an L4 animal (middle) (except in seam cells, which are shown shadowed by the hyp7 expression), and in the VNC of the L4 (magnification, 400×). (C) and (D) were exposed for the same amount of time. (E and F) Nomarski images of the same animals as in (C) and (D), respectively. (G) HBL-1/GFP in BW1932 is most intense in the ventral nerve cord of L3 animals (an early L3 is shown), less intense in an L4 animal, and almost absent in an adult animal. (H) A DIC image of the same animals as in (G). (I) Wild-type BW1932 adult with barely detectable expression of HBL-1/GFP in the VNC, compared with a let-7(n2853) adult, shown in (J). Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

5 Figure 4 The hbl-1 3′UTR (A) Diagram of the hbl-1 3′UTR showing potential binding sites for the miRNAs (let-7 complementary sites [LCSs] and those of its homologs, lin-4 complementary elements [LCEs], and mir-69 complementary sites [MCSs]). Horizontal arrows represent a direct repeat containing potential divergent nanos response elements. (B) Alignment of the hbl-1 3′UTR from C. elegans (top) and C. briggsae (bottom) showing conserved regions. Lines above the alignment indicate the positions of miRNA binding sites, which are numbered to correspond to (A). The direct repeats with potential divergent NREs are indicated by arrows. The canonical B box is boxed. Numbering for C. elegans is from the start of the hbl-1 3′UTR, and the numbering for C. briggsae is from c Contig1 (Jim Mullikin's PHUSION assembler data [1/15/02] [the Sanger Institute and the Genome Sequencing Center, Washington University, St. Louis]). Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

6 Figure 5 Interactions between the miRNAs and the hbl-1/hb 3′UTR RNA
Potential RNA::RNA duplexes between hbl-1 and let-7 (A), between hbl-1 and lin-4 (B), and between hbl-1 and mir-69 (C), as identified by a combination of manual searching and computer analysis with the mfold program (Mathews et al., 1999). The hbl-1 3′UTR is predicted to contain at least eight LCSs, two LCEs, and two MCSs, numbered to correspond to Figure 4A. While duplexes are shown with let-7 RNA, any of the LCS sequences could potentially form duplexes with any of the let-7 homologs. Thermodynamically more-stable duplexes can be formed between LCS1 and either let-7 RNA or mir-48 RNA, between LCS2 and let-7 RNA, between LCS3 and mir-84 RNA, between LCS4, 5, 6, and 7 and either let-7 RNA or mir-84 RNA, and between LCS8 and let-7 RNA. (D) Potential RNA::RNA duplexes between Drosophila hb and various indicated Drosophila miRNAs. (E) Diagram of the D. melanogaster hb 3′UTR. The black boxes represent NREs. Arrows mark the sites of sequences complementary to the indicated Drosophila miRNAs. Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

7 Figure 6 Model of Heterochronic Gene Activities
(A) Genetic data support a model whereby the heterochronic gene let-7 negatively regulates hbl-l. hbl-1, in turn, negatively regulates lin-29, possibly with lin-41. The simplest interpretation of the hypodermal data is consistent with the genetic pathway, as shown. (B) Heterochronic gene expression over time in ectodermal tissues. Expression of hbl-1 (in neurons; red) and lin-41 (in hypodermis; yellow) both appear to be posttranscriptionally regulated by the appearance of let-7 RNA (blue). HBL-1 expression in the non-seam cell hypodermis (light green) is likely to be regulated by other stRNAs (purple). (C) Similarities between hbl-1 mutant defects in seam cell lineages and hb mutant defects in Drosophila neuroblast lineages. The C. elegans cell lineages of the lateral hypodermal V1–4 cells in wild-type and hbl-1(mg285) (proposed) animals are shown. The vertical axis indicates the four postembryonic larval stages divided by molts. In wild-type animals, the V1–4 cells divide close to the beginning of each larval stage until the final molt, when they terminally differentiate and secrete adult specific cuticular alae, indicated by the triple bars. Developmental Cell 2003 4, DOI: ( /S (03) )

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