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Training - Documentation

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1 Training - Documentation
Tool for the engineering to specify/control changes to manufacturing process

2 Training - Documentation
MEM (Tool for the engineering to specify/control changes to manufacturing process) Fully electronic, including signatures Linked to MCMS system (sends MEMs automatically to the CMs) Web based interface - accessible from anywhere Database Controlled - Good Search capability Visibility to MEM Status Flow management via Ability to send pager messages too (iDEN) Selective distribution lists - only affected persons receive the MEM Real Time Metrics Controlled access for Creation and Approval of MEMs Open access for Viewing Upload tool for attachments Ability to: Save the work before completion / Fix a rejected MEM / Copy from a previous MEM Action Execution Control Developed in Jaguariuna Documentation Dept. Where to see it >>> (MEM)

3 Electronic MEM main process improvements
Training - Documentation Electronic MEM main process improvements •Reduced signatures to improve cycle time. •A MEM must be quick to be effective, or it gets to the objective only after the show •Signatures may take too long time, so they must be reduced to the minimum necessary •In most of the MEMs process running today in Motorola, some signatures are intended for APPROVAL and some for ACKNOWLEDGMENT only. •Only the Approvals signatures should block the MEM to go through • s are a good communication method and can be trusted as “information delivered and received” •If a more solid ACKNOWLEDGMENT is necessary, a “Controlled Action” can do it, and it does not hold the MEM approval •The approval should be requested to a person with responsibility and authority to demand that the actions are executed. •Controlled Actions •Normally, Motorola MEMs process finishes after the MEM document is distributed. At this moment, the execution of the actions becomes each one’s responsibility with no controls or follow ups. •This NEW feature introduces one step ahead in the MEM process. It creates a control mechanism to remember and follow up that the actions are completely executed. 

4 MEM Flow A MEMs / ECNs / Problems / Improvements / etc
Requiring actions in manufacturing Explain reasons, suggest correction Approve ? No Yes Originator access the MEM WEB Page The System sends the MEM to all distribution lists. (affected departments only) Logs all the history in the database The System routs it back to originator Originator Selects “CREATE MEM” AFECTED AREAS Execute what is specified in the MEM Originator corrects it and send for approval The MEM Template opens Originator writes the MEM and sends it for electronic aprooval Report the ACTION DONE to the system The System checks for CONTROLED PENDING ACTIONS and advises the responsible and the originator IF LATE Pending The System routs it via for approval NEW LATER Approver READS it and decide... The System sends informing of the MEM´s expiration MEM System Engineering A END Affected Areas

5 eMEM system main page

6 Searching

7 Searching Search Fields

8 Searching Search results

9 Searching MEM Details

10 Creating

11 Creating a new MEM Affected products Affected Areas

12 General Informations:
Creating a new MEM General Informations: Type Activation Date Expiration Date APC Days for actions response MEM cancelled Others documents affected Parts/Kits Affected

13 Creating a new MEM Other Fields: Description (max 4000 characters)
Change Reason

14 Actions per department
Creating a new MEM Special Questions: Quality Hold/Stop Ship Resume Ship/ Release Quality Hold Actions per department Actions control Responsible for each action

15 Creating a new MEM Other Fields: Attachments Approvers
Save MEM to reedit later Or Sent to approval

16 Approving

17 List of MEMs to be approved
Approving List of MEMs to be approved Approve or Reject

18 Coping Anyone can copy a MEM from other Originator, just clicking on MEM number.

19 Coping

20 Cancelling Originators can cancel any MEM under his responsability with the status “ACTIVE”

21 Cancelling

22 Actions Control Actions
The responsible must answer the actions before the specified date. After that, the system will notify both (originator and responsible) every day.

23 Actions Control

24 Metrics Metrics Volume for each location Volume for all locations.
Stop/Resume Ship for each location

25 Metrics

26 Administrator Administrator
Each location has 1 or more administrator, who may setup: Approvers Products Areas Department Distribution List

27 Administrator

28 Administrator Input the user ID

29 Administrator Select the department first Input the user ID

30 Administrator Input the Product Name

31 Administrator Input the Dept. Name

32 Infrasctructure IT Infrastructure

33 All Infrastructure supported by IT Brazil Environment versions:
Servers:2 DELL PowerEdge 2850 (Prod) 1 DELL PowerEdge 1850 (Dev) Operating System: Windows Server 2003 Load Balance Appliances: 2 BigIP 6400

34 Infrastructure Development Server BigIP appliances Load Balance and HA
Fast & Gigabit Development Server BigIP appliances Load Balance and HA Production Servers TAPE LIBRARY

35 Phase 2 Enhancement Phase 2 Enhancement

36 Enhancements Phase 2 enhancements are : Delegation MEM Type Close Loop of MEM cycle MEM # prefixed with site codes

37 Delegation Phase 2 Enhancement
What : delegate his/her approval rights to other approvers for a period of time When : Used when approver is away Why : Eliminate waiting time

38 Delegation Add approver Input ID Select MEM Type

39 Delegation Delegation

40 Delegation Input delegate’s core ID Input from date, to date

41 Delegation Delegate added

42 Delegation Delegate will receive from system regarding delegation details.

43 Cancel Delegation Click to cancel delegate

44 Cancel Delegation Delegate will receive from system regarding delegation cancellation.

45 MEM Type Phase 2 Enhancement What : An option to categorize MEM type
Why : To categorize MEM type and filter approver list by MEM type.

46 MEM Type MEM Type

47 MEM Type Input MEM Type Check active box

48 MEM Type Input core ID Select MEM Type

49 MEM Type Select MEM Type

50 Approvers list filtered by MEM Type

51 Close Loop of eMEM cycle
Phase 2 Enhancement Close Loop of eMEM cycle What : Originator need to acknowledge the action done and close the eMEM. When : After all actions are done. Why : To ensure originator is aware of MEM closure.

52 Close Loop Click Close Loop

53 Click at MEM number for fill in comment and details
Close Loop MEM will appear in this page after all actions are done Click at MEM number for fill in comment and details

54 Close Loop Input comment Click Accept

55 Close Loop MEM closed successfully

56 Close Loop MEM disappear from close loop list after MEM is closed
MEM closed successfully MEM disappear from close loop list after MEM is closed

57 MEM # prefixed with site codes
Phase 2 Enhancement MEM # prefixed with site codes SG – Singapore AR - Arad IN – India PG - Penang TJ – Tianjin HZ - Hangzhou TW - Taiwan .

58 Drop down list to select up to six approvers
Phase 3 – Six Approvers Goal : To support up to six approvers, where initially there was only 3 approvers. Drop down list to select up to six approvers

59 Global Sharing Goal : Steps: Global_<business>_Site
To implement a Global closed loop process to communicate process changes in 24 hours to the regional teams. Steps: Each site create their own business department with the following naming convention in department setting: Global_<business>_Site Create global actioners in distribution by department setting

60 Global Sharing Departments / Sides
MDb GEMS Network CHS IDEN Outsourcing *Others Brazul Flensburg Hangzhou Harvard India Libertyville Mexico Penang Plantation (3G NPI) Singapore Schaumburg Schaumburg INFRA Schaumburg Subscriber Arad Forth Worth Negolas Taiwan Brazil Plantation(MOL) Plantation(NPI) EMS EMS - Mexico ISC – China iMDGDS_eMEM [WWD] CGISS Accessories Aftermarket * Old business kept for query purpose, NOT for global sharing purpose

61 Global Sharing . Global Departments are split from local departments

62 Each site is responsible to maintain their own site global actioners
Global Sharing Global_MDb_India Each site is responsible to maintain their own site global actioners .

63 Global Sharing . All the global departments with the same business will be listed here, except the originator own business site.

64 END

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