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Earth and Space Science

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1 Earth and Space Science
Plate Tectonics

2 layers 1. Earth is made of ________________ that differ in thickness, composition, and temperature.

3 core, core 2. The center part of Earth is called the _______________. The core is divided into the inner core and outer core.

4 inner, outer, solid 3. The ________________ core is made of liquid metals, and the ________________ core is made of ______________ metals.

5 mantle 4. The __________________ is the thick layer of solid and molten rock that surrounds the core.

6 lithosphere, asthenosphere
5. The crust and the upper mantle make up the ________________________. The rest of the upper mantle is melted rock and is called the ____________________________.

7 crust 6. The ____________ is the thin layer of solid rock that makes up the outermost layer of Earth.

8 hydrosphere 7. All of the Earth’s liquid and solid water --- including lakes, rivers, oceans, glaciers, and water located underground --- makes up its _________________________.

9 landform 8. A ___________________ is a physical feature on Earth’s surface. Landforms include mountains, volcanoes, hills, and canyons.

10 Wegener, continental drift
9. Alfred ______________, a German geologist, suggested that there was once a supercontinent that slowly moved to the positions they are today. This idea became known as the Theory of ________________ ______________.

11 Pangaea 10. Wegner called this supercontinent _____________________.

12 fossil 11. Scientists have found evidence to support the theory of continental drift by studying rock on two continents and Also from the _______________ of a freshwater reptile, Mesosaurus.

13 plate tectonics 12. Scientist have developed a theory called _________ _______________ to explain how forces deep within Earth can cause seafloors to spread and continents to move.

14 magma 13. In the middle of the ocean where the plates are moving apart, __________________, hot, melted rock, is pushing from the mantle toward the surface.

15 compression, folded 14. When plates collide, the force that results is called ___________________. When a continental plate is compressed, the ground is forced upward, producing _______________ mountains. The Himalayas are folded mountains that formed in India and Asia millions of years ago.

16 fault, fault-block 15. When a stretch or push of the plates occurs on land, it forms a __________________. As a result of this tension, one block of rock moves down relative to the other block of rock which produces ___________- _____________ mountains.



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