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Practice….. Epithelium Connective Tissue Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Practice….. Epithelium Connective Tissue Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practice….. Epithelium Connective Tissue Functions

2 SLIDE 2 bone

3 SLIDE 3 hyaline

4 SLIDE 4 . adipose

5 Slide 6 Dense fibrous

6 Slide 7 blood

7 Slide 8 Stratified cuboidal

8 Slide 9 Areolar

9 Spongy bone

10 areolar

11 Simple squamous epithelium

12 Dense fibrous (DRCT) Skeletal (M)

13 Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium

14 Simple cuboidal

15 Simple columnar epithelium


17 What am I? I am a tissue tendons and ligaments. Dense fibrous tissue

18 What am I? I am a tissue that has no blood supply, a hard matrix and lots of lacuna and chondrocytes. Hyaline cartilage

19 What am I? I am a tissue that produces red blood cells. Spongy bone

20 Simple columnar epithelium

21 What am I? I am a tissue that is soft and pliable and used to hold organs and tissue together. Areolar tissue

22 What am I? I am a tissue that is used to secrete large amounts of mucus or fluid through the apical surface or absorb large amount of nutrients from the apical surface. Columnar epithelium (ciliated, non ciliated, or pseudostratified)

23 What am I? I am a tissue that lines the ducts and glands of different organs? Cuboidal (simple or stratified)

24 What am I? I am a tissue that used for easy diffusion of oxygen and nutrients. Simple squamous epithelium

25 What am I? I have goblet cells? Columnar (any)

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