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HABIDES Reportnet System

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Presentation on theme: "HABIDES Reportnet System"— Presentation transcript:

1 HABIDES Reportnet System
August 2009

2 Generalities Reportnet CDR:
Concerned reporting obligations: Birds directive: Habitats directive: Go to appropriate folder, for example:

3 Log into the system

4 View after login; create a new envelope

5 Create envelope: enter appropriate information

6 Created envelope

7 Click on envelope to edit and Activate task

8 Envelope after activation; notable sections

9 Add files to the envelope (in this example, we add files created with the Portable Tool)

10 Add files to envelope – with restricted view

11 Envelope after addition of files; click on the link in the red box to access the online questionnaires

12 Online editor; click “Save & Close” when finished

13 Complete task

14 Confirmation of receipt automatically sent

15 Confirmation of receipt must be sent to the Commission through Perm Rep to officialise the data delivery.

16 For help http://circa. europa. eu/Public/irc/env/monnat/library
Consult the user guide for content-related questions Consult the Presentation for the Portable Tool on Circa Consult the Presentation for Reportnet on Circa Consult the Presentation for Merging Reports on Circa Consult the Eionet Help Desk for technical issues ( Consult the HABIDES presentations or DG ENV for matters of precedure. Consult DG ENV for bug reports, corrections or improvements.

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