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Pololu DC Motor Controller

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Presentation on theme: "Pololu DC Motor Controller"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pololu DC Motor Controller

2 DC Motor Control Aspects of DC Motor Control H-Bridges Isolation
Pulse-width modulation

3 An H-bridge

4 PWM 75 50 25

5 Installing the Pololu serial motor controller
Place the controller on your breadboard and connect it to the BS2 and motors per the instructions in the user’s guide (Exercise 13).

6 Motor Controller Communication
The motor controller uses a serial interface to communicate with the Basic Stamp 2 (BS2). You must program the BS2 to send data in the correct format the the contoller’s serial input, pin 4. The controller expects 8 bits at a time at a constant baud rate ranging from 1200 to baud. You must send the correct sequence of bytes to get the controller to run your motors.

7 The SEROUT command The controller requires a non-inverted serial transmission at a baud rate between 1200 and 19200, 8 bits at a time with no parity. The SEROUT command: SEROUT PIN#, 84, {OutputData} Provides that transmission at 9600 baud.

8 Configuring the Motor Controller
You can configure your controller to control either one or two motors.

9 Controlling the Motor You can control each motor individually to run either forward or reverse at any one of 127 different speeds (from 0 to 127).

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