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By the Plainwell Groupies!

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Presentation on theme: "By the Plainwell Groupies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 By the Plainwell Groupies!
What does organic mean? By the Plainwell Groupies!

2 For crops: Prohibits most synthetic (and petroleum derived) pesticides and fertilizer, and all antibiotics, genetic engineering, irradiation, and sewage sludge. Also special handling and processing requirements.

3 For livestock: Animals must eat 100% organic feed that is free of animal byproducts or growth hormones. Animals must also have access to the outdoors.

4 Small but growing portion of the market…
Currently makes up 2.5% of the retail food sales. Totaled $14 billion in 2005 Costs about 20-30% more than conventional versions.

5 So what’s conventional?
Conventional means that farmers can use chemicals, genetic engineering, irradiation, sewage sludge, and other techniques within EPA guidelines.

6 Differences in farm management:
Organic farming tends to take more labor and management, certification Tillage is used in both, though conventional farmers can use no-till

7 Your task is… Break into four groups
Given data on research comparing organic and conventional systems, assess the risks and benefits of each system

8 Timeline 10-10:20 pretest, discussion, intro
10:20-10:50 4 groups each tackle a topic 10:50-10:55 Break 10:55-11:15 Discussion 11:15-11:30 Taste-test and post-test, Small group discussions of what you think (if time)

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