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University Of South Africa University of South Africa Department of Public Administration and Management (PAM) PUBLIC MANAGEMENT SKILLS PUB3701 2018

2 PURPOSE OF PUB3701 The main purpose is to enable students understand the management skills required in the public sector. Such skills comprise of the following; Leadership Skills Determination of Priorities Planning and Programming Decision-making Delegation and Coordination Sensitivity to Community Values Managing Change Conflict and Diversity

This theme is tailored around the concept “Management”. What does it entail? It revolves around aspects such as; Continuous and integrated process Exercising authority Institutional goal-setting and Objectives realisation

4 Managers Classification of Managers
Top Level Managers: These include senior officials such as Director-Generals, Deputy Director-Generals and Chief Directors Middle Level Managers: Comprise officials such Directors and Deputy Directors Lower Level Managers: They include Assistant Directors and Supervisors

5 Functions of Management
Leadership revolves around directing, guiding and influencing subordinates Planning helps public managers to identify, evaluate and select alternative Decision-Making a rational process to select suitable actions to achieve institutional goals

6 Functions of Management Cont…..
Organising Classify, group, allocate functions to institutional divisions and workforce Control Mechanisms and measures to ensure that organisational objectives are pursued and realised

7 Management Challenges
There are various challenges that pose threats to optimum management; such challenges include; Political Environment Challenges The Constitution of South Africa calls for involuntary protection of human rights, democratisation, social and economic equality Morality, equality, fairness and freedom of individuals must be taken into account

8 Management Challenges Cont…..
Social Challenges Ethnic and cultural diversity may present serious challenges to public managers Heterogeneity of the population implies that people tend to respond to government policy in different ways Economic Challenges Low economic development presents serious predicaments to government’s developmental goals

9 Management Challenges Cont…..
Technological Environment Technological aids are probably the greatest challenge facing public managers Administrative and Management Challenge Rationalised state departments New or modified directives and prescriptions New legislation by the government of the day New organisational units and structures

This theme revolves around aspects such as; Leadership Prioritisation Planning Rational Decision-making Effective Communication Delegation and Coordination Community Values and Diversity Information and Communication Technology skills

11 LEADERSHIP What does leadership entail?
It entails provision of institutional direction influencing and utilising the workforce pursuit of self-realisation among subordinates Public Managers Leadership Role Public managers are required to fulfil various leadership roles in the public sector. Such roles include among others;

12 Leadership Roles Cont…..
Leadership role in policy making Leadership in financial planning and programming Leadership for providing and utilising personnel Leadership in designing and implementing work methods and procedures Leadership role in control and accountability

Rational decision-making is a concept based on logical thinking and facts aimed at warranting that the reasons and evidence for actions can be furnished all the times. Rational Decision Making Process Rational managers are required to follow the processes and steps in order to make better decisions rather than relying on intuition.

14 Rational Decision Making Process Cont…..
Identification and analysis of the issue and/or objective Identification and analysis of alternative solutions Assessing alternative solutions Selection Implementing the solution and exercising control to identify departures and make adjustments

15 DELEGATION What does the term delegation mean to public managers?
it implies passing on the responsibility to another person to act in the name or capacity of the person who has passed on the authority E.g. the Director may delegate certain responsibilities to the Deputy Director However, delegation does not imply that responsibility to account is also delegated

16 Effective Delegation Requirements
Careful delegation plan Fairness in delegation (guard against delegating unpleasant task to the subordinates) Appropriate authority be delegated Explanation for delegated tasks Managers must not be too prescriptive Subordinates must not be overloaded with delegated tasks Monitoring and evaluating the progress Recognition must be given for a job well done

17 Excuses to Avert Delegation
Assuming that subordinates will not perform properly Believing that other people are not capable Assuming that delegation may jeopardize their positions Lack of confidence Assuming that delegation fragments objectives Assuming that subordinates are too busy

18 COORDINATION What does the term “coordination” mean?
is an organisational action that inevitably follows the division of labour, in other words, work that was initially allocated to two or more organisational units must later be combined into a logical unit. What hampers coordination? Low morale among workers Poor departmental relationships Inadequate communication Incapacity of individuals and divisions Improper integration of tasks

19 MANAGING CHANGE Resistance to change is caused by: Individual
Inertia (move from traditional) Absence of reasons Timing of change implementation Abandoning existing customs/practices

20 MANAGING CHANGE Change is negatively affected by:
Organisational obstacles Structural inertia (outdated organisational structures, incomplete procedural guidelines) Outdated methods & procedures Obsolete technology Narrow view of change by mgmt. Inappropriate mgmt. style

21 MANAGING CHANGE How can resistance to change be prevented? Communicate
Encourage worker participation Offer support Negotiate Use coercion

22 MANAGING CHANGE How can change be managed (STEPS)?
Become aware of change Recognise the need for change Identify problems Overcome resistance to change Plan for change Select an approach to change Choose between alternatives Implement the programme for change Do follow-up and evaluation SEPTEMBER 2016

ICT is one of the most important aids available to public managers for processing, storing and retrieving information. How does ICT aid Public Managers Electronic data processing, storage and retrieve Faster decision-making Thorough analysis of alternative solutions Provision of appropriate information Greater availability of the time Versatility Reliability

24 Possible exam questions
Describe the steps in the control process in detail. Discuss which measures can be introduced by managers to achieve effective coordination. Identify three (3) variables which may affect the performance of officials. Explain leadership in the public sector by explaining the skills requirements for leadership in the public sector. Explain the circumstances which officials are likely to perform exceptionally well in. SEPTEMBER 2016

25 Possible exam questions
Determine any two (2) objectives of control. Explain the concept of “change”, as well as the individual and organisational factors which cause resistance to change. Explain how managers can pursue rational decisions-making through a systematic logical approach. Use relevant examples to substantiate your answer. Describe the leadership role of public managers in any three (3) administrative activities. Analyse the measures that public managers may introduce to bring about effective coordination. SEPTEMBER 2016


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