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“Energy in Earth Processes”

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1 “Energy in Earth Processes”


3 A. Closed Energy System: There is an exchange of energy, but not mass.
I. Conservation of Energy Law: energy is neither created nor destroyed but transformed to another form. A. Closed Energy System: There is an exchange of energy, but not mass. 1. Heat Source: objects that emit energy (hot). 2. Heat Sink: objects that absorb energy. * Heat flows from source to sink! source sink

4 B. Specific Heat: the amount of energy needed to raise the temp
B. Specific Heat: the amount of energy needed to raise the temp. of a substance 1oC. (Ref. Table pg. 1) Materials with a high specific heat take long to heat up and long to cool down. (Ex. liquid water)

5 C. Types of Heat Transfer:
Conduction: heat transfer by direct molecule to molecule contact in solids. 2. Convection: heat transfer in fluids (gases and liquids). *warm less dense material rises and cooler dense material sink.

6 Convection Currents

7 3. Radiation: the transfer of electromagnetic energy through space
3. Radiation: the transfer of electromagnetic energy through space. Requires no transfer medium. a. Electromagnetic spectrum: shows the entire range of wavelength energy emitted by the Sun. * Page 14 ref. table



10 b. Earth’s Energy Budget: the balance of the amount of energy absorbed and released by Earth.
*solar radiation can be reflected, scattered or absorbed.

11 II. Insolation: (INcoming SOLar radiATION) the Sun’s electromagnetic energy that reaches Earth.
A. Angle of Insolation: (angle of incidence) the measure of the angle of the Sun’s rays striking Earth. *the greater the angle the more intense the insolation.

12 Area A Area B

13 B. Factors Affecting Energy Absorption
Color: dark colors absorb and radiate heat better than light colors. 2. Texture: rough surfaces absorb energy better than smooth. 3. Material: land absorbs heat faster than water does due to its low specific heat

14 C. Radiative Balance: when an object gains the same amount of energy that it gives off.
1. Lag Temperature: when the warmer temperatures occur after the Sun is the highest in the sky. * Hottest days are in Aug. when the Sun is highest on June 21.

15 III. The Atmosphere: is made of four distinct layers and that vary in thickness and temperature.
A. Troposphere: lowest layer, mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Most weather occurs in this layer. B. Stratosphere: contains ozone that absorbs UV rays.

16 * Ref. Table pg. 14

17 IV. The Greenhouse Effect: the process by which shortwave UV energy reaches Earth and long wave infrared energy is absorbed by the troposphere. Greenhouse Gases: CO2 and water vapor absorb infrared heat from Earth. B. Terrestrial Radiation: heat energy given off by Earth in the form of long wave infrared.


19 http://prof. danglais. pagesperso-orange

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