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Unit 1 Design Challenge: Flash Drive

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1 Unit 1 Design Challenge: Flash Drive


3 Define the Problem Problem: I lose my flash drives and would like to store all of them in one place. Either on my desk or in my backpack.

4 Do background research
What information would we need to know?

5 Specify requirements Design a flash drive organizer that meet the following requirements: Can “organize” 4 flash drives. Secure them so they don’t fall out easily. Use as little plastic as possible (as little waste plastic as possible) Bonus: Doubles for another purpose.

6 Brainstorm, Evaluate and Choose
Come up with as many ideas as you can: Quantity over quality Combine ideas Evaluate and pick one

7 Develop a Solution Each person in your group is going to use CAD (Tinkercad or Inventor) to design a solution. Because our printers are not functional yet, as a group, you will decide which one it the best, and we will 3D print one per group. Your group will use a decision matric to decide the best.

8 Test Solution Print it.

9 Evaluate (Solution meets or only partially meets requirements) Go back and make changes
After it is printed, evaluate it.

10 Communicate results Gallery walk when we are done.

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