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Doing Project Work – Introduction

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1 Doing Project Work – Introduction

Welcome to this workshop on doing project work. Projects are a great way to engage young learners in learning English and learning content at the same time, and they’re lots of fun for young learners of English!

3 Whole Group Discussion
Do you do projects to engage young learners in learning English? What are some examples of projects you have tried? Preview 2 Ask participants to read the prompt on the screen. Invite a few participants to share examples of projects they have tried. As we watch today’s video we’ll learn tips for doing project work using Our World. Distribute Handout 8.1 and tell participants that the section “Tips for Using Our World Project Pages” is already completed as a model. Ask one participant to read the three tips from the graphic organizer to the group. Tell participants they will continue to fill in the other sections of the graphic organizer after each video segment.

4 Video As you watch the introduction segment, listen for reasons why doing project work is an effective teaching practice for young learners of English. Play the video.

5 Reasons to do project work with young learners of English:
1._________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________ Review 1 As you can see, there are many reasons for doing project work with young learners of English. Let’s see how many you can remember. Ask participants to work with a partner to list reasons for doing project work, and then to share. Write examples on the screen. Ask participants to add a few examples to Handout 8.1 in the section “Reasons to do project work”. Possible Answers: concrete; hands-on; active multisensory; connects language and content; authentic; relevant; contextualized; meaningful; fun; social

6 Match the phrases to create tips about Our World project pages.
1 Our World projects a independence and self- include confidence in students. 2 Our World projects b real communication and promote negotiation. 3 Our World projects can be c making puppets, done individually to conducting surveys, and promote writing recipes. Review 2 Doing project work is integrated throughout Our World. Let’s review with this matching activity. Answers: A. Our World projects include making puppets, conducting surveys, and writing recipes. B. Our World projects promote real communication and negotiation. C. Our World projects can be done individually to promote independence and self-confidence in students.

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