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Year 2 Maths Homework.

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1 Year 2 Maths Homework

2 Agenda Share how maths is taught in school
Develop parent’s confidence in helping children with maths homework Provide the opportunity for parents to work through maths problems with their children Explore MyMaths as a home learning resource Enable parents a chance to look through both SATs maths papers

3 National Curriculum Expectations …
By the end of Year 2, children should be able to: P

4 Year 2 Maths Homework MyMaths Maths booklets Homework Menu
Every other week children are set online maths homework using the MyMaths website Maths booklets Every half term holiday we send home a maths skills workbook to keep the children’s fluency during the break Homework Menu Maths challenges can be found on the homework menu

Our calculation policy can be found on the school website. Concrete Children learn the concept initially through practical resources and experience Children have pictures to support their working out Pictorial Abstract Children record their ideas in number sentences

6 Fluency Place value- “lines and dots” Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100
Part/Whole Model Adding 9 and 11 Mathematical language

7 What time is shown on the clock?

8 Addition and Subtraction
Adding/subtracting a one digit number to/from a two digit number using a number line Adding/subtracting 2 two digit numbers Adding 2 two digit numbers with regrouping/exchange

9 Adding and subtracting using a number line
= 25- 8=

10 Adding 2 two digit numbers
= 58 Step 1: partition numbers ( lines and dots) Step 2: add up the Ones ( 5 ones + 3 ones = 8 ones) Step 3: add up the Tens ( 2 tens + 3 tens = 5 tens) Step 4: add both ( 5 tens + 8 ones = 58) = Step 1: partition numbers (lines and dots) Step 2: add up the Ones (8 ones + 6 ones = 14 ones) Step 3: add up the Tens (3 tens + 2 tens = 5 tens ) Step 4: add both (5 tens + 14 ones = tens + 4 ones = )

11 Subtracting 2 two digit numbers
74 – 31 = Step 1: partition numbers/circle the second amount (lines and dots) Step 2: subtract the Ones ( 4 ones - 1 ones = 3 ones) Step 3: subtract the Tens ( 7 tens - 3 tens = 4 tens) Step 4: add both ( 4 tens + 3 ones = 43) = Step 2: exchange one ten for ten ones Step 2: subtract the Ones ( 13 ones - 6 ones = 7 ones) Step 3: subtract the Tens (one less) ( 4 tens - 2 tens = 2 tens) Step 4: add both ( 2 tens + 7 ones = 27)

12 Time to give it a go! Let’s do some problem solving!
Read and underline Choose an operation Step by step Remember! If you want to help your child but can’t remember the method then please look on the school website!

13 “How much more money” = find the difference
= 6

14 = 61

15 Two step problem! = – 35 = 59

16 Multiplication and Division
Multiplication as groups/lots of and using arrays Mental times tables Division as sharing into groups Fractions

17 Multiplication Multiplication is repeated addition 3 x 5 = 5 + 5 + 5
Arrays Mental times tables

18 Division Division is sharing into groups 15 ÷ 3 = Grouping vs sharing
Sharing – 15 is shared between 3 groups, we know how many groups but we need to know how many are in the group. Grouping - How many 5’s in 15? The number in the group is know but the number of groups is unknown. We need to count the groups.

19 Time to give it a go! Let’s do some problem solving!
Read and underline Choose an operation Step by step Remember! If you want to help your child but can’t remember the method then please look on the school website!

20 4 x 3 = 12

21 70 ÷2 = 35

22 30 ÷ 5 = 6

23 Fractions Fractions- share into groups Find 1/3 of 15 Find 2/3 of 15
Share 15 into 3 groups to find 5 in each group Count how many there are in one group Find 2/3 of 15 Count how many there are in two groups


25 What is ½ of 30? What is 1/3 of 21? What is ¾ of 20? What is 2/3 of 24?

26 MyMaths

27 Practical Maths ideas to do at home…
MyMaths game or other online games – there are lots of games to play online to increase fluency and mental strategies Time- children need to be able to tell the time to quarter of an hour. Ask the children regularly to tell analogue time and count down to events and show your child where the hands will be at this time. Money – Give your child coins to count (largest to smallest) and encourage them to pay for their own items. Cooking- children need to be able to read simple scales so let them measure and cook with you. Counting practice- We often count up, how often do we count back? Count forwards and backwards in different steps from different numbers. Do you always have to start at 0? Board Games – cards, snakes and ladders, dominoes.

28 Thank you for listening!! Any questions??

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