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Venetian and Northern Renaissance Art:

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1 Venetian and Northern Renaissance Art: 1430 - 1550
Cristal Lara 5th Period

2 Shared Qualities The Renaissance period consisted of shared characteristics in different forms of artwork. The majority of the artwork during this time represented at least one of the following Symmetry Nature is incorporated Human anatomy is on display Realism Roman or Greek influence is incorporated Individualism

3 Mona Lisa Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci Date: 1503 - 1506 Where: Florence
Medium: Oil on wood Currently the most famous painting in the world, serenity is a main theme given off. The painting is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo a wealthy merchant.

4 Sistine Chapel Artist: Baccio Pontelli Date: 1471 - 1484
Where: Vatican City Medium: The interior of the building is filled from floor to ceiling with various paintings from different artists of the era. It is the pope’s chapel, six arched windows are on each side of the wall, the floor is a marble mosaic.

5 The Tempest Artist: Giorgione Date: 1506 - 1508 Where: Venice
Medium: Oil painting It is one of the first paintings where the landscape is the main focus. It is also known as the most “atmospheric” painting of the Venetian Renaissance.

6 School of Athens Artist: Raphael Date: 1483 - 1520 Where: Vatican City
Medium: Fresco painting Pope Julius II paid Raphael the highest commision of his life for it. The painting is a combination of Greek philosophy as well as Christian culture.

7 Assumption of the Virgin
Artist: Antonio Allegri da Correggio Date: Where: Parma Cathedral Medium: Fresco painting on ceiling The dome of the church was meant to symbolize the vault of heaven.

8 Sources - Thank You!

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