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Source Analysis Explicit Messages:

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Presentation on theme: "Source Analysis Explicit Messages:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Source Analysis Explicit Messages:
-describe the source as if you were explaining to a blind man. -what does it look like? Who? What? When? Where? Why? Implicit Messages: -what is the purpose? -what is the main idea? -does the source support, challenge or reject aspects of liberalism? Perspective – what is the perspective of the author on the topic? -what are they in favour of? (pro) -what are they opposed to? (con) -what evidence do I have?

2 Cartoon or Visual Source De-construction
LINKS TO THE COURSE: -globalization is not enough! -do not simply restate information in the source, instead, write with intent. -use related course vocabulary and concepts – what are they?? -make contemporary and historical connections

3 Text Source Analysis - TEIIP
Title – Underline and put a “T” beside it – if no title make one up (big idea). Explicit - Summary –write a brief summary of what the source is about beside the source – explain the source Identify Key terms – zig-zag underline. Vocabulary, course concepts, philosopher identify them Implicit Meaning – is the purpose to support, challenge or reject aspects of liberalism? Perspective – What is the perspective, opinion, bias of the writer? What are they in favour of? Opposed to?

4 Text Source

5 Source Analysis 4P Essay
P1 – Power Statement, SCR (support, challenge, reject) globalization– implicit, Evidence, Transition. P2 – Power Statement, SCR (support, challenge, reject) globalization– implicit, Evidence, Transition. P3 – Power Statement, SCR (support, challenge, reject) globalization– implicit, Evidence, Transition. P4 - (Relationships) - State “big” connecting ideas, Specific areas of agreement (support with principles from curriculum), Specific areas of disagreement (support with principles from curriculum), Agreement or disagreement based on elements of social studies (social, political, economic). Vision of the future vs. understandings of the past

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