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Counterargument Are you prepared to consider your opponent, then prove that he/she is wrong?

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Presentation on theme: "Counterargument Are you prepared to consider your opponent, then prove that he/she is wrong?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Counterargument Are you prepared to consider your opponent, then prove that he/she is wrong?

2 When you counter argue.. This all occurs within the same paragraph.
You consider a possible argument AGAINST your thesis/opinion. You first TURN AGAINST your own opinion. You then RETURN or TURN BACK to your own argument to defend it. This all occurs within the same paragraph.

3 The TURN AGAINST… Think of your target audience… who are you trying to convince of your position? Think of what your audience would say about YOUR position…remember they are speaking AGAINST what your opinion is! Example: You are grounded for getting a D on the last English test, but you really want to go to the party Billy Bob is throwing on Saturday night. Think of four reasons why you should be able to go, then four counter arguments your mom will make as to why you shouldn’t go.

4 The Turn Against… Possible Phrases
“One might object here that….” “It’s true that…” “Admittedly…” “It might seem obvious that…” “Some may have different opinions, but …” “Although it seems that ….” “Many people may think….”

5 Counter Argument Example: Bear Hunt
Opinion: The recent NJ bear hunt was an unnecessary measure to reduce the bear population. (My opinion WITHOUT saying, “I feel …”) Turn Against: “Although the mass numbers of bears in the area are causing major upheaval and these animals have become a nuisance to residential areas in New Jersey, …

6 Remember, in the “Turn Back” …
return to your own argument/opinion. keep it in the paragraph as the Turn Against (can be the same sentence if the TA is a subordinate clause). use careful reasoning – not just opinions. show why the opposition is mistaken. acknowledge that the opposing argument is valid, but suggest why it’s less important than your thesis/opinion.

7 The Turn Back Possible Transition Words/Phrases
…but …yet …however …nevertheless …still …but remember …the facts state … it is crucial that people REMEMBER: NO YOU or NO I!!!

8 Counter Argument Example: Bear Hunt
Opinion: The recent NJ bear hunt was an unnecessary measure to reduce the bear population. (My opinion WITHOUT saying, “I feel …”) COUNTER ARGUMENT: “Although the mass numbers of bears in the area are causing major upheaval and these animals have become a nuisance to residential areas in New Jersey, the recent state-wide bear hunt was an unnecessary measure to reduce the bear population. Instead of killing the innocent animals, they could have been trapped and transported to various national forests. * Notice how I added a counter argument and went back to my side/opinion INCLUDING the use of facts by giving an alternative solution!

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