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What could each one of these represent in DT?

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Presentation on theme: "What could each one of these represent in DT?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What could each one of these represent in DT?
1) 2) 3)

2 What five questions would you ask a spoon?

3 What questions can you think of that do not have an answer, or that have more than one answer?

4 Which sketch do you think best represents “time”?
1 5 3 2 4 Can you explain why?

5 A bird Cage A lift A submarine In the dark
Imagine that you have been kidnapped by an evil troll. However, he has a moment of generosity after his meal and decides to let you choose where you will be kept prisoner. Would you rather be imprisoned in: A bird Cage A lift A submarine In the dark

6 Mobile Phone Laptop iPod Nintendo Wii
You are stranded in the sea after a shipwreck. You can choose to swim to one of four nearby islands. Each island has only one of these gadgets. Would you rather be able to use your… Mobile Phone Laptop iPod Nintendo Wii

7 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Wealth OR Friends

8 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Power OR Pleasure

9 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Intelligence OR Courage

10 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Security OR Fame

11 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Freedom OR Justice

12 If You Could Only Have One of These?
Truth OR Happiness

13 6 is the answer. What are the questions?

14 How many answers can you think of?
What is half of 8 ? How many answers can you think of?

15 One Day I’ll Earn… Salary: £24,000 a year How much is this per £ Month
£ Hour £ Week £ Minute £ Day £ Second

16 What do your initials stand for?
e.g. D.P. = Desperate Plumber

17 Create an A-Z of… Packaging

18 Does size matter? Create a list of things that
get progressively larger or smaller

19 Create a list of all the different illnesses and diseases you can think of and:
Categorise them

20 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having door handles made out of chocolate?

21 What are the similarities and differences between mobiles and iPods?

22 If you could grant the World five wishes, what would they be?

23 If you were responsible for setting up life on a new planet, what inventions would you like the people moving there to have?

24 If you were alone for a week, which 3 songs, 3 objects and 3 books would you like to have with you? why?

25 Who would you invite and Why?
You are hosting a dinner party. You have to invite the designer of a famous product. Who would you invite and Why?

26 Childhood – Adulthood What are the disadvantages and advantages of each when it comes to using technology?

27 Make a list of things in technology that will
Definitely happen May or may not happen Definitely not happen

28 Inventions that we will need forever…
Make a list

29 If you ruled a country, what would the flag look like?

30 Who works at night? Make a list

31 What is the most original use you can think of for an empty plastic bottle?

32 If you were a GADGET what GADGET would you be?

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