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2 Peter week 2.

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1 2 Peter week 2


3 Schedule Date Text Lesson Aug 19 1:1-4 Greeting the Faithful Aug 26
1:5-11 Fruitful Growth in the Faith Sep 2 1:12-15 Peter’s Approaching Death Sep 9 1:16-21 The Trustworthy Prophetic Word Sep 16 2:1-3 Destructive Doctrines Sep 23 2:4-11 Doom of False Teachers Sep 30 2:12-17 Depravity of False Teachers Oct 7 2:18-22 Deceptions of False Teachers Oct 14 3:1-9 God’s Promise Is Not Slack Oct 21 3:10-13 The Day of the Lord Oct 28 3:14-18 Be Steadfast



6 Table prayer time See the “Weekly Update” at your table
Review and update prior requests Write down new requests Lean in, engage, and pray as a table Clean up and move to the auditorium

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