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HELP Developments & HELP course on Violence Against Women Ana Medarska-Lazova, Strasbourg, 18 October 2018 31/12/2018.

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1 HELP Developments & HELP course on Violence Against Women Ana Medarska-Lazova, Strasbourg, 18 October 2018 31/12/2018

2 HELP’s goal HELP judges, prosecutors and lawyers to apply European human rights standards in their daily work, mainly by training ECHR + ESC + CoE legislation + EU law for EU + EU Charter and EU law for EU countries

3 HELP is:  the only pan-European Network of national training institutions for judges, prosecutors and lawyers in the 47 Member States; online courses on human rights; a human rights training methodology for legal professionals.

4 Free e-learning platform and courses
Watch this video You can access learning materials at Example: click this asylum course


6 Number of new subscribers in the HELP e-learning Platform
Average per month Total per year ONLY AS OF jUNE

7 Catalogue of HELP Courses
International Cooperation in Criminal Matters Internally Displaced Persons Labour Rights as Human Rights Pre-trial Investigation in light of the ECHR Prohibition of Ill-treatment Procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings and victims’ rights (early 2019) Property Rights Refugee and Migrant Children Reasoning of (Criminal) Judgments Rights of Persons with Disabilities Right to Liberty and Security (Article 5) Right to Respect for Private and Family Life (Article 8) Right to the Integrity of the Person (Bioethics) Transitional Justice Violence Against Women Women’s Access to Justice Admissibility criteria in applications submitted to the ECtHR Alternative measures to detention Anti-discrimination Asylum and the ECHR Key human rights principles in biomedicine Business and Human Rights Child-friendly Justice Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings Counterfeiting of Medical Products CPT Standards (2019) Data Protection and Privacy Rights Drugs and Human Rights (2019) Family Law (interactive version 2018) Fight against Racism, Xenophobia, Transphobia Freedom of Expression Hate crime and Hate speech Human Rights in Sports Introduction to the ECHR and ECtHR

8 HELP course Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence
Developed in 2017, jointly by the CoE Violence Against Women Division and the HELP Programme 4 international experts

9 HELP course Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence
Focus on Istanbul Convention Target groups: primarily addressed to legal professionals (judges, prosecutors, lawyers and senior court staff) also useful for the police, forensic services, civil society organisations, media and other professionals working in the field

10 HELP Violence Against Women: structure

11 HELP Violence Against Women: available languages

12 Launched in … Ukraine Armenia x 2 Georgia x 2 Slovenia Montenegro
Plans: Poland – December 2018 the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – December 2018 Portugal – by the end of 2018 Bosnia and Herzegovina – by the end of 2018/early 2019 Arabic – early 2019 Italian – early 2019 Slovakia Ukraine Armenia x 2 Georgia x 2 Slovenia Montenegro

13 Join us: Web, Facebook & Twitter #HELP

14 HELP Thank you very much for your attention!
Good training for good judgments Thank you very much for your attention! Head of HELP Unit:

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