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Chapters 14-15: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

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1 Chapters 14-15: Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals

2 Chordata Living things that have backbones

3 Fish Video: What is a Fish? Ectotherms – body temperature changes with its surroundings. (cold-blooded)

4 Reproduction Spawning - How fish reproduce
Video: Spawning :23 Spawning - How fish reproduce 1. Female fish releases eggs into the water. 2. Males swim over the eggs and release sperm.

5 3 Kinds of Fish 1. Jawless Fish Have round mouths, long bodies
Lamprey’s mouth Lamprey’s Body Have round mouths, long bodies No jaw, no scales Skeleton made of cartilage

6 2. Jawed Cartilaginous Fish
Video: Sharks 2. Jawed Cartilaginous Fish Examples are sharks, rays, and skates Skeleton made of cartilage

7 3. Bony Fish Skeletons made of bone
Video 3 fish groups Skeletons made of bone 95% of all fish are this kind of fish.

8 Amphibians Amphibian Characteristics ectothermic vertebrate
Toad Salamander Amphibian Characteristics ectothermic vertebrate live in water and on land moist, smooth skin breaths through mouth and skin examples: frogs, toads, and salamanders

9 Metamorphosis changes that a larva goes through to become an adult.
Frog Life Cycle Animated Tutorials 34.1 Metamorphosis changes that a larva goes through to become an adult.

10 How Do Amphibians Adapt?
Video: 3 groups of amphibians How Do Amphibians Adapt? Hibernation – Inactivity during cold weather Estivation – Inactivity during the hot, dry months.

11 Reptiles Reptile Characteristics Ectothermic vertebrate
T-Rex movement Reptiles Reptile Characteristics Ectothermic vertebrate Dry, scaly, waterproof skin

12 The Amniotic Egg Amniotic Egg

13 3 Groups of Reptiles Lizards and Snakes Largest group of reptiles
Horned Lizard King Cobra

14 2. Turtles

15 Only reptiles that take care of their young
3 Reptile Groups 3. Crocodilians Only reptiles that take care of their young Alligator Crocodile

16 Birds Has feathers Lay amniotic eggs Endotherms (warm-blooded)
Video: Bird Characteristics START AT 1:00 Has feathers Lay amniotic eggs Endotherms (warm-blooded)

17 1. Hollow Bones 5 Bird Adaptations
Their bones are hollow and filled with air making them lightweight.

18 2. Feathers 2 Kinds A. Contour – used to fly
Down Contour 2 Kinds A. Contour – used to fly B. Down –insulation for the bird

19 3. Wings By beating their wings they attain thrust and lift.

20 4. Energy for Flight Birds must constantly eat because flying takes a lot of energy.

21 5. Endotherms (warm-blooded)
Video 4 groups of birds 5. Endotherms (warm-blooded)

22 3 Mammal Characteristics
1. Mammary Glands – Glands on females that produce milk to feed their young.

23 2. Teeth 3 Kinds of Eaters Herbivore – plant eaters
Video: Herbivores, Omnivores start 9:15 3 Kinds of Eaters Herbivore – plant eaters Carnivores – meat eaters Omnivores – plant and animal eaters Carnivore Herbivore Omnivore

24 3. Hair All mammals have hair.

25 3 Types of Mammals 1. Monotreme Mammals that lay eggs with shells.
Spiny Anteaters Platypus

26 2. Marsupial Pouched mammals that give birth to tiny offspring.

27 3. Placental Babies develop inside the uterus of the mom.
Video: birth of calf Babies develop inside the uterus of the mom. The time in which the embryo develops in the mom is called the gestation period.

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