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English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes

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1 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Answer one question on An Inspector Calls (from a choice of two) Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Answer two questions on poems you haven’t seen before Section A – Modern text Section B – Poetry Section C – Unseen Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

2 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

3 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes In the exam, you have to compare two of the poems in a full essay. You have 45 minutes to do this. There are 15 poems in the anthology that you need to know REALLY well. Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry You will not have a choice of questions – which is why it is so important that you know the poems well. We have chosen to study the poems about POWER and CONFLICT Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

4 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes There are three main ways to get marks in this exam; 1- Give your own thoughts and opinions on the poems and support them with quotes from the text. 2- Explain features like form, structure and language. 3- Describe the similarities and differences between poems and their contexts. Answer one question on the poetry cluster you have studied from the Anthology Section B – Poetry Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

5 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes Ted Hughes was a 20th century English poet. His father served in and survived World War One, and Ted spent two years as a mechanic in the RAF before going to university. ‘Bayonet Charge’ was published in 1957. Although it was written much later, the poem is set during WWI. It describes a soldier going ‘over the top’ – this was when soldiers climbed out of their trenches and charged towards enemy lines, carrying their bayonets. These charges usually resulted in heavy casualties. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

6 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

7 Anthology Poetry – lesson nine
Suddenly he awoke and was running – raw In raw-seamed hot khaki, his sweat heavy, Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge That dazzled with rifle fire, hearing Bullets smacking the belly out of the air – He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm; The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye Sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest, – In bewilderment then he almost stopped – In what cold clockwork of the stars and the nations Was he the hand pointing that second? He was running Like a man who has jumped up in the dark and runs Listening between his footfalls for the reason Of his still running, and his foot hung like Statuary in mid-stride. Then the shot-slashed furrows Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame And crawled in a threshing circle, its mouth wide Open silent, its eyes standing out. He plunged past with his bayonet toward the green hedge, King, honour, human dignity, etcetera Dropped like luxuries in a yelling alarm To get out of that blue crackling air His terror’s touchy dynamite. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

8 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . 1- Work out what the poem’s about What’s the subject? Look at the Narrative Voice - whether it’s written in the first person (I), second person (you) or third person (he/she). Think about who the poem is addressing (eg; the narrator’s lover, the reader etc). Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

9 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . 2- Identify the form and structure of the poem Is it rigid and regular or loose and irregular? Does the poem rhyme? Why has the poet chosen this form? What mood / effect does it create? How is the poem laid out? Are lines and stanzas regular / irregular? Does it use enjambment? How does it use punctuation? How does the ‘story’ of the poem evolve? How does the tone change? Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

10 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . 3- What language is used to create these effects? How does the language support your comments about mood and tone? Look at any Language techniques that are used; eg; personification, alliteration, onomatopoeia. What is their effect? Focus on how language creates imagery. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

11 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . 4- Identify the feelings and attitudes in the poem. What is the main emotion in the poem? Does it change? Does the poet want you to share his/her feelings? Or do they just want you to understand (empathise with) their feelings? How does the poem make you feel? Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

12 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes . A SUMMARY – The poem focuses on a single soldier’s experience of a charge towards enemy lines. It describes his thoughts and actions as he tries to stay alive. The soldier’s overriding emotion and motivation is fear, which has rep[laced the more patriotic ideals that he held before the violence began. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

13 Anthology Poetry – lesson nine
Sounds as if he’s in a confused, vulnerable state. This has a double meaning – it suggests discomfort but also inexperience. Suddenly he awoke and was running – raw In raw-seamed hot khaki, his sweat heavy, Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge That dazzled with rifle fire, hearing Bullets smacking the belly out of the air – He lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm; The patriotic tear that had brimmed in his eye Sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest, – The repeated ‘h’ sound imitates the soldier’s heavy breathing as he runs. Violent imagery and onomatopoeia describes the sound and impact of the shots. Simile suggests his rifle is useless and FORESHADOWS the injuries he’s likely to get. His patriotism has turned to fear and pain – his heroic ideals have been replaced by painful reality. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

14 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . What’s Foreshadow? TEACHING POINT!!! When you want to let people know about an event that is yet to occur, you can use foreshadowing. What is the impact of foreshadowing? Foreshadowing is used as a literary device to tease readers about plot turns that will occur later in the story. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

15 Anthology Poetry – lesson nine
This stanza pauses the action and focuses on the soldier wondering why he is there. Emphasises the soldier's insignificance and his lack of control of his situation. “cold” implies that the people in charge of the war don’t care about individual soldiers. In bewilderment then he almost stopped – In what cold clockwork of the stars and the nations Was he the hand pointing that second? He was running Like a man who has jumped up in the dark and runs Listening between his footfalls for the reason Of his still running, and his foot hung like Statuary in mid-stride. Then the shot-slashed furrows Simile creates an image of someone blind and irrational – suggests there’s no rational reason for war. It’s as if the soldier is turned to stone by his bewilderment. The caesura ends his period of thought and forces him to return to reality. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

16 Anthology Poetry – lesson nine
Simile emphasises the hare’s frantic movement and hints at the danger the soldier is in. A distressing image of out-of-control movement. “threshing circle” is an agricultural term, used to suggest that nature is affected by war. Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame And crawled in a threshing circle, its mouth wide Open silent, its eyes standing out. He plunged past with his bayonet toward the green hedge, King, honour, human dignity, etcetera Dropped like luxuries in a yelling alarm To get out of that blue crackling air His terror’s touchy dynamite. Suggests pain and fear beyond expression. Natural image contrasts with the violence and terror of war. These are the reasons that persuade people to go to war. Using “etcetera” suggests they’re not even worth listing. He’s been reduced to a basic level – he’s attacking out of desperation, not moral principle. The soldier seems to have become a weapon rather than a human being. He’s driven purely by his terror. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

17 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes . FORM AND STRUCTURE The poem uses enjambment and caesura, and has lines of uneven length. This cerates an irregular rhythm, which mirrors the soldier struggling to run through the mud. The narrator uses the pronoun “he” rather than naming the soldier to keep him anonymous. It suggests that he is a universal figure who could represent any young soldier. The poem starts in medias res (in the middle of the action) and covers the soldier’s movements and thoughts over a short space of time. The first stanza sees the soldier acting on instinct, but time seems to stand still in the second stanza, when the soldier begins to think about his situation. In the final stanza, he gives up his thoughts and ideals and seems to have lost his humanity. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

18 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes . LANGUAGE Violent Imagery – There is some shocking imagery which brings home the sights and sounds of war. This helps to strongly convey the sense of confusion and fear. Figurative Language – The poem includes powerful figurative language to emphasise the horror and physical pain of the charge, and also to question the point of war. Natural Imagery – The repeated references to the “green hedge” and the mention of a “field” and “threshing circle” show the natural, agricultural setting of the war. The painful image of the “yellow hare” reminds the reader of how the natural world is also damaged by war. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

19 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes FEELINGS AND ATTITUDES TERROR– The poem challenges patriotism and shows how desperate terror becomes the overriding emotion in battle. The soldier is driven forward by fear rather than any noble motive. CONFUSION – The soldier is physically disorientated by the gunfire, but he’s also questioning what he’s doing there at all. Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

20 English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes
Anthology Poetry – lesson nine English Literature Paper 2 – 2 hours 15 minutes . Poem 8 – BAYONET CHARGE– Ted Hughes How does the middle stanza differ from the other two stanzas? How does the speaker show the soldier changing between the start and end of the poem? How is natural imagery used in the poem to emphasise the horror of the soldier’s situation? Bronze– identify skills required in the exam Silver – understand what the examiner will be looking for Gold – Interpret a poem from the anthology Platinum – Analyse a poem from the anthology, considering your own interpretation of it.

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