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Science, Technology, and Society

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Technology, and Society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Technology, and Society
Dr. Charles Ophardt EDU 370

2 Nature of Technology Technology extends our abilities to change the world: to cut, shape, or put together materials; move things from one place to another; to reach farther with our hands, voices, and senses. We use technology to try to change the world to suit us better.

3 Technology and Science
Technology Draws on Science and Contributes to it Early technology based on personal experience handed down Why it worked was not known Today based upon scientific understanding of principles

4 Issues in Science, Tech., and Society
Characteristics Prepare Students to Utilize science and technology knowledge for improving their lives and cope with tech. society Deal responsibly with science and technology issues Make decisions on career options

5 Characteristics of STS
Problem and Issue Oriented Interdisciplinary Relate science to society Global Awareness Relevance

6 Characteristics of STS II
Problem and Issue Oriented How did it become a problem or issue? What are some alternative approaches to a solution? What are effects of applying alternatives to individuals or society?

7 Strategies for Teaching STS
Use of local resources Active Involvement and Action skills Clarifying values Depends upon cultural, religious backgrounds Moral/ethical implications

8 Procedures for Teaching STS
Select and define the problem Formulate problem question Determine sources of information Collect data and evidence Interpret data using cause and effect Solutions to Problem Force Field method - pros & cons Cost/Benefit/ Risks

9 Engineering and Science
Engineering Combines Scientific Inquiry and Practical Values Engineering is allied to scientific inquiry and mathematical modeling Engineering finds a problem and designs a solution for it Solutions go from general ideas to very specific details

10 Technology Design and Systems
Design Under Constraint Constraints are identified and taken into account Absolute Constraints - defined by physical laws Flexible Constraints - have flexibility - money, political, social, ecological, ethical

11 Design and Systems II All technologies Involve Control
Require control to keep operating Compare what is happening to what might happen Controls requires feedback

12 Design and Systems III Technologies Always Have Side Effects
Designs have intended benefits, Designs have unintended side effects to users or public or environment Or may have additional unexpected benefits

13 Design and Systems IV All Technological Systems Can Fail
Most things are very reliable The larger the system the more things that can go wrong. Hedge with over design or redundancy

14 Issues in Technology Human Presence Sheer numbers of people
Humans can dominate nature and other species Can shape the future

15 Issues in Technology II
Technological and Social Systems Interact Strongly Politics, Economics, Government Social Systems Impose Restrictions on Openness Due to large investment of money open sharing is a constraint Decisions on Use of Technology are Complex

16 References Science, Technology and Society in the Science Classroom Nature of Technology

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