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The linkage between Social dilemma and Indirect reciprocity

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1 The linkage between Social dilemma and Indirect reciprocity
Rie Mashima (Kumamoto Gakuen University) Nobuyuki Takahashi (Hokkaido University)

2 Background The exclusion of free-riders is necessary for the emergence of cooperation in social exchange.

3 Background The exclusion of free-riders is necessary for the emergence of cooperation in social exchange. Individual exchange: Discriminative altruism is an effective solution (e.g., reciprocal altruism, indirect reciprocity).

4 Background The exclusion of free-riders is necessary for the emergence of cooperation in social exchange. Individual exchange: Discriminative altruism is an effective solution (e.g., reciprocal altruism, indirect reciprocity). On the contrary… Social Dilemma (SD) : The emergence of cooperation has been a theoretical puzzle because to exclude a specific person is impossible. Public goods

5 New solution: “Linkage strategy”
Recent theoretical studies focused on various ”linkage” strategies, which link SD and individual exchange, as the solution for SD. (e.g., Aoki 2001; Panchanathan & Boyd, 2004; Takagi, 1999; Watabe et al, 2008) “Linkage” strategies : exclude SD free-riders from individual exchange. make SD free-riders maladaptive because they drive SD free-riders into isolation in individual exchange. Linkage strategies are the strategies which exclude free riders in social dilemma from individual exchange. Previous studies argued that linkage strategies can solve the social dilemma problem because they drive social dilemma free-riders into isolation in important individual exchange.

6 Limitation of previous studies
Previous studies showed that “linkage” players can resist the invasion by SD free-riders. However, there can also be no-link strategies. don’t care about other’s behaviors in SD Can linkage strategies resist the invasion by other cooperative no-link strategies? If not, the invasion by cooperative no-link players may cause the collapse of mutual cooperation!

7 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (1)
If the majority of a population are linkage players, L L L L L

8 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (1)
If the majority of a population are linkage players, SD free-riders cannot invade. L L L L L

9 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (1)
If the majority of a population are linkage players, SD free-riders cannot invade. L L L L L However, cooperative “no-link” players may invade. may not be excluded by linkage players In SD, always cooperate. In individual exchange, ignore other’s behaviors in SD. (don’t exclude SD free-riders) L No-Link L L L L

10 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (2)
If the frequency of cooperative no-link players increases, L No-link No-link No-link L No-link

11 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (2)
If the frequency of cooperative no-link players increases, the population will be invaded by SD free-riders who don’t cooperate in SD. L No-link No-link No-link L No-link

12 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (2)
If the frequency of cooperative no-link players increases, the population will be invaded by SD free-riders who don’t cooperate in SD. Mutual cooperation may collapse because of the invasion by no-link players. L No-link No-link No-link L No-link

13 Invasion by cooperative “no-link” players (2)
If the frequency of cooperative no-link players increases, the population will be invaded by SD free-riders who don’t cooperate in SD. Mutual cooperation may collapse because of the invasion by no-link players. Purpose: to explore whether and what kind of linkage strategies can maintain mutual cooperation when cooperative no-link players try to invade. L No-link No-link No-link L No-link

14 Method (1) Simulation SD:1 round of social dilemma
Simulation: On each generation, 300 players play a one-shot social dilemma game (SD) and many rounds of indirect reciprocity game (IR). (10000 generations per 1 replication) Strategy: SD strategy x IR strategy One generation SD:1 round of social dilemma IR round 1 IR round 2 ・・・ IR round 1500 IR: 1500 rounds of indirect reciprocity game Selection:Natural selection determines the distribution of strategies in the next generation, based on the fitness in the current generation.

15 Method (2) SD stage Players play a one-shot social dilemma game.
Public goods Players play a one-shot social dilemma game. SD strategy: “Cooperate(C)” : pay a cost to produce the benefit for others. “Defect (D)”: don’t pay a cost. Public goods C or D C or D C or D C or D C or D

16 Method (3)-1. IR stage (one-sided PD)
On each round, a randomly selected “donor” decides whether to give his resource to a recipient with a cost of c (recipient receives a benefit b: b>c) . The donor chooses his recipient based on reputations of other members (chooses one whom the donor believes that he has a Good reputation). When there is no Good player among the population, the donor doesn’t give. IR strategy determines how to assign a reputation (Good or Bad) to others by using three types of information. Good Give Bad Good Bad Good Bad

17 Each player employs a strategy which assigns a reputation to others based on the information about their Method (3)-2. IR strategy

18 or Method (3)-2. IR strategy Behaviors in SD (C or D)
Each player employs a strategy which assigns a reputation to others based on the information about their Behaviors in SD (C or D) Method (3)-2. IR strategy Behavior in SD Defect (D) or Cooperate(C)

19 × or or Method (3)-2. IR strategy Behaviors in SD (C or D)
Each player employs a strategy which assigns a reputation to others based on the information about their Behaviors in SD (C or D) 1st order information in IR (whether gave or did not give in the previous IR round) Method (3)-2. IR strategy × Behavior in SD Defect (D) or Cooperate(C) 1st order info in IR gave or Did not give

20 × × Good or or or Bad Method (3)-2. IR strategy
Each player employs a strategy which assigns a reputation to others based on the information about their Behaviors in SD (C or D) 1st order information in IR (whether gave or did not give in the previous IR round) 2nd order information in IR (the reputation of their previous recipients) Method (3)-2. IR strategy × × Behavior in SD Defect (D) or Cooperate(C) 1st order info in IR 2nd order info in IR Good or Bad gave or Did not give Others are classified into ①~⑧ (Table 1).

21 C in SD D in SD Table 1. Eight types of others ① ② ⑤ ⑥ ③ ④ ⑦ ⑧
2nd order info in IR Good Bad Gave Didn’t give 1st order info in IR

22 e.g., Gene 1 determines whether SD cooperator who gave
Table 1. Eight types of others C in SD D in SD 2nd order info in IR Good Bad Gave ① (G or B) ② (G or B) ⑤ (G or B) ⑥ (G or B) Didn’t give ③ (G or B) ④ (G or B) ⑦ (G or B) ⑧ (G or B) 1st order info in IR 8 genes determine how to assign a reputation (Good or Bad) to each of type of others (①-⑧) . e.g., Gene 1 determines whether SD cooperator who gave to Good person in previous IR round is Good or Bad.

23 (①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) *①-⑧: Good or Bad
Table 1. Eight types of others C in SD D in SD 2nd order info in IR Good Bad Gave ① (G or B) ② (G or B) ⑤ (G or B) ⑥ (G or B) Didn’t give ③ (G or B) ④ (G or B) ⑦ (G or B) ⑧ (G or B) 1st order info in IR 8 genes determine how to assign a reputation (Good or Bad) to each of type of others (①-⑧) . IR strategies are represented by the sets of 8 genes. ←IR strategies are represented as (①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) *①-⑧: Good or Bad

24 (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) Full strategy (SD strategy x IR strategy)
IR strategy concerning Cooperator in SD, IR strategy concerning Defector in SD) (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) 2 x 24 x 24 =512 strategies C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

25 (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) Full strategy (SD strategy x IR strategy)
IR strategy concerning Cooperator in SD, IR strategy concerning Defector in SD) (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) 2 x 24 x 24 =512 strategies e.g., ALLC=(C, GGGG, GGGG) ALLC (pure altruists) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give

26 (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) Full strategy (SD strategy x IR strategy)
IR strategy concerning Cooperator in SD, IR strategy concerning Defector in SD) (C or D, ①②③④, ⑤⑥⑦⑧) 2 x 24 x 24 =512 strategies e.g., ALLC=(C, GGGG, GGGG), ALLD=(D, BBBB, BBBB) ALLD (hardcore free-riders) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave B Didn’t give

27 Focused strategies We picked up 4 linkage and no-link strategies based on IR strategies, which were proposed as successful ones in indirect reciprocity research. IS (Image Scoring, Nowak & Sigmund, 1998) STAND (Standing, Leimar & Hammerstein, 2001; Panchanathan & Boyd, 2003) SDISC (Strict Discriminator, Takahashi & Mashima, 2006) ES (Extra Standing, Takahashi & Mashima, 2006)

28 Method (4) Focused strategies (No-link)
【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

29 Method (4) Focused strategies (No-link)
【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

30 Method (4) Focused strategies (No-link)
【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

31 Method (4) Focused strategies (2)
assign reputation to others by using 1st order and 2nd order information in IR only. (What kind of discriminative rule they adopt varies.) 【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

32 Method (4) Focused strategies (2)
assign reputation to others by using 1st order and 2nd order information in IR only. (What kind of discriminative rule they adopt varies.) don’t use the information of other’s SD behaviors. 【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) As you can see, the left side and right side are identical. C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

33 Method (4) Focused strategies (2)
assign reputation to others by using 1st order and 2nd order information in IR only. (What kind of discriminative rule they adopt varies.) don’t use the information of other’s SD behaviors. 【No-link strategies】  In SD, cooperate or defect (depending on SD strategy). In IR, ignores other’s behaviors in SD. No-link IS(C/D, GGBB, GGBB) No-link STAND(C/D, GGBG, GGBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B Ignore whether others cooperated or defected in SD. No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) No-link ES(C/D, GBBG, GBBG) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

34 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

35 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) In SD, always cooperate. Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

36 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) In SD, always cooperate. In IR, Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave Didn’t give

37 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) how to regard 4 types of SD cooperators varies. In SD, always cooperate. In IR, Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G Didn’t give B Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

38 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) how to regard 4 types of SD cooperators varies. always regard SD defectors as Bad. In SD, always cooperate. In IR, always regard defectors in SD as Bad. Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

39 Method (4) Focused strategies (Linkage)
【Linkage strategies】 (cooperative linkage strategies) how to regard 4 types of SD cooperators varies. always regard SD defectors as Bad. In SD, always cooperate. In IR, always regard defectors in SD as Bad. Link IS(C, GGBB, BBBB) Link STAND(C, GGBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give exclude SD free-riders from IR Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) Link ES(C, GBBG, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

40 Method (5) Exploring the evolutionary stability
Can linkage players resist the invasion of ALLC, ALLD, and no-link players?

41 Method (5) Exploring the evolutionary stability
Can linkage players resist the invasion of ALLC, ALLD, and no-link players? The population initially consists of 99% of one majority strategy and 1% of one invader strategy. Majority strategies: four types of linkage strategies (IS, STAND, SDISC, ES) whose SD strategy=C. Invader strategies: ALLC, ALLD, cooperative no-link strategy (SD=C), defective no-link strategy (SD=D). 10000 generations per 1 replication * Mutation rate=0.0001, C=5, B=10, c=2, b=4, n of IR rounds=1500, error of execution in SD =0.025, error of perception in SD=0.025, error of execution in IR =0.025, error of perception in IR=0.025, n of replications=10.

42 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority

43 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Majority strategy

44 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Invader strategy

45 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority ALLD

46 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority ALLD Defective No-link strategy ALLD

47 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority ALLD Defective No-link strategy ALLC ALLD

48 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority ALLD Defective No-link strategy ALLC Cooperative No-link strategy ALLD

49 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Percentage of replications where the invader invaded the majority.

50 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority

51 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Link SDISC and Link ES are robust against the invasion by not only non-cooperative but also cooperative players.

52 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Link SDISC and Link ES are robust against the invasion by not only non-cooperative but also cooperative players.

53 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Link SDISC and Link ES are robust against the invasion by not only non-cooperative but also cooperative players.

54 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Link SDISC and Link ES are robust against the invasion by not only non-cooperative but also cooperative players. Link SDISC and ES can be robust.

55 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Although other strategies are robust against the invasion by SD defectors (ALLD, defective no-link players),

56 % of invaded replication
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy % of invaded replication Robustness of majority strategy SD: C IR: Link IS (C, GGBB, BBBB) D ALLD Robust No-link IS C ALLC 20 Invaded 40 IR: Link STAND (C, GGBG, BBBB)  No-link STAND 80 50 IR: Link SDISC (C, GBBB, BBBB)  No-link SDISC IR: Link ES (C, GBBG, BBBB)  No-link ES Result Majority Although other strategies are robust against the invasion by SD defectors (ALLD, defective no-link players), They are invaded by cooperative players (ALLC and cooperative no-link players)

57 What made the difference?
Among 4 types of linkage players, only SDISC and ES are robust whereas other ones are invaded by cooperative no-link players. What made the difference? The key is to exclude altruists who help SD free-riders. IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

58 Unsuccessful strategies
IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

59 Unsuccessful strategies can exclude SD defectors.
IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give L L L L L

60 Unsuccessful strategies can exclude SD defectors.
However, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Good. IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give L L L L L

61 Unsuccessful strategies can exclude SD defectors.
However, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Good. IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give Cooperative no-link players can increase. L No-link L No-link L No-link L L L No-link

62 ← cannot maintain mutual cooperation in SD.
Unsuccessful strategies can exclude SD defectors. However, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Good. IS C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give STAND C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give Cooperative no-link players can increase. The higher the frequency of no-link players becomes, the easier it is for free-riders to invade. ← cannot maintain mutual cooperation in SD. L No-link L No-link L No-link L L L No-link

63 Successful strategies
SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

64 Successful strategies can also exclude SD defectors.
SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

65 Successful strategies can also exclude SD defectors.
Moreover, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Bad. SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

66 Successful strategies can also exclude SD defectors.
Moreover, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Bad. SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give Cooperative no-link players cannot invade. L No-link L L L L ALLC

67 Successful strategies can also exclude SD defectors.
Moreover, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Bad. SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give Cooperative no-link players cannot invade. SD free-riders cannot invade. L No-link L L L ALLC

68 Successful strategies can also exclude SD defectors.
Moreover, they regard SD cooperators who helped Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Bad. SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give ES C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give The key point for the maintenance of mutual cooperation in SD is to exclude not only SD free-riders but also those who help SD free-riders. Cooperative no-link strategies cannot invade. L No-link L L L ALLC

69 Conclusion As previous studies showed, linkage players can resist the invasion by SD free-riders and can maintain mutual cooperation. However, sooner or later, such a mutual cooperation should collapse unless linkage players have the characteristic which excludes cooperative no-link players. To regard the benevolence toward free-riders as Bad is necessary for the maintenance of mutual cooperation in both SD and IR.

70 Thank you for your attention!

71 Appendices Details of SD stage
Characteristics of linkage and no-link strategies Details of simulation settings Evolutionary stability Characteristics of successful strategies Results under various error rate (in SD) Results in random matching situation Results under the settings in Panchanathan & Boyd (2004) “SD cooperators who helped Bad” as no-link players Details of the process of invasion of defectors How linkage strategies avoid the 2nd order problem ? Random matching & Selective play situation in IR Unnatural settings: random matching situation Four types of target in selective play

72 Details of SD stage Each player decides whether or not to cooperate (with a cost of C) to produce a benefit B. (B is divided equally among all other members) SD strategy: “Cooperate(C)” : pay a cost to produce the benefit for others. “Defect (D)”: don’t’ pay a cost. Public goods C or D C or D C or D C or D C or D

73 Characteristics of linkage and no-link strategies
left half (strategy concerning with SD cooperators) : same between in linkage and in no-link strategies. right half (strategy concerning with SD defectors): while linkage players regard all of SD defectors as Bad, no-link players do not distinguish SD cooperators from SD defectors. Link SDISC(C, GBBB, BBBB) No-link SDISC(C/D, GBBB, GBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

74 Details of simulation settings (1)
Parameters Mutation rate=0.0001 SD stage: C=5, B=10, error of execution in SD=0.025, error of perception in SD = IR stage: c=2, b=4, n of IR rounds=1500, error of execution in IR =0.025, error of perception in IR=0.025 ←The weight of SD (the amount of players’ profit which derive from mutual cooperation in SD) is 2 times as large as the weight of IR. Selective play giving game in IR Number of replications=10.

75 Details of simulation settings (2)
After generations, if the frequency of invader is… >10% : The invader succeeded. (The majority is Invaded) ≤ 10% : The invader failed. (The majority is Robust ) If the number of invaded replication=0, we consider the situation that the majority strategy is robust against the invasion by the invader strategy.

76 Evolutionary stability
Our simulations purposed to examine whether and what kind of linkage strategies are evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS). Suppose a population is consisted of one strategy (majority). If a few people who adopt another strategy (invader) cannot increase in such a situation, the majority is ESS against the invader. If the strategy is not ESS, there is no guarantee that the equilibrium by the strategy can be maintained.

77 Characteristics of successful strategies
(C, GBBX, BBBB) C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give G or B Regard SD cooperator who gave to Good as Good Regard SD defectors and SD cooperator who didn’t give to Good as Bad Regard SD cooperator who gave to Bad (cooperative no-link players) as Bad

78 β=perception error in SD α=execution error in SD
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy β=0.0 α=0.0 α=0.025 β=0.025 IS  D ALLD Robust No-link IS  C ALLC Invaded STAND No-link STAND SDISC No-link SDISC ES No-link ES β=perception error in SD α=execution error in SD Majority

79 Results in random matching situation
Invader’s SD strategy Invader’s IR strategy Invaded rep (%) IS  D ALLD No-link IS  C ALLC 96.7 100 STAND No-link STAND 13.3 SDISC No-link SDISC 10 ES No-link ES Results in random matching situation Majority Random matching : The donor is randomly matched with the recipient. Errors (error of execution / perception, in SD / IR)=0.025 Number of replication=30

80 Results under the settings in Panchanathan & Boyd (2004)
Random matching Error of execution in IR 0.05, other errors (error of execution/ perception in SD, error of perception in IR)=0. Number of replication=30 Invader’s SD Invader’s IR Invaded rep (%) STAND  D ALLD No-link STAND  C ALLC 47 Result that P & B (2004) showed Majority Linkage STAND can resist the invasion by ALLC, but cannot resist the invasion by cooperative no-link players.

81 “SD cooperators who helped Bad” as no-link players
Linkage players regard SD defectors as Bad. Therefore, “players who gave toward Bad” include those who gave toward SD defectors. Players who gave toward SD defectors are players without linkage trait (no-link players, ALLC) because they gave to Bad (including SD defectors). Then, “players who gave toward Bad” correspond the feature of cooperative no-link players. SDISC C in SD D in SD Good Bad Gave G B Didn’t give

82 Details of the process of invasion of defectors
Cooperative no-link players (who cooperate in SD, help SD defectors in IR) can invade the population of cooperative linkage players. Non-cooperative no-link players (who defect in SD, help SD defector in IR) can invade. The strategy which would evolve is non-cooperative no-link players. The situation where people defect in SD and engage in IR independently of SD would emerge. While mutual cooperation in IR would occurs (by discriminative altruism), wouldn’t occur in SD.

83 How linkage strategies avoid the 2nd order problem ?
Punishing free-riders or rewarding cooperators to induce cooperation require additional cost…So who pay the cost? Linkage strategies can avoid paying additional cost because they can exclude SD free-riders from IR by merely not giving resources to free-riders in IR. Moreover, their “appropriate” behaviors (not giving to free-riders but giving to cooperators) increases one’s reputation and increases the chance to receive resources from the other linkage players.

84 How linkage strategies avoid the 2nd order problem ?
Although linkage players need to observe others’ behaviors, anyhow, it is necessary for one’s survival in IR.

85 Random matching & Selective play situation(1)
Random matching: A donor has to interact with the designated recipient. A potential recipient is randomly chosen. Give or Not give? donor recipient Bad Good Bad Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Good Results of simulations of random matching showed that only SDISC makes indirect reciprocity possible.

86 Random matching & Selective play situation(2)
Selective play: A donor choose his recipient based on reputations of other members. Observe reputations of other members A donor choose a recipient to give by himself. donor recipient Bad Good Bad Good Good Bad I want to give this Good person. Bad Bad Good

87 Unnatural settings: random matching situation
Random matching environment Most of the theoretical studies in biology have assumed this environment. From the group, a donor and a recipient is randomly chosen to form a pair. Give or Not give? Donor Recipient Bad Good Bad Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Good A donor must act toward a designated opponent – Give or Not give

88 Unnatural settings: random matching situation
Random matching environment Most of the theoretical studies in biology have assumed this environment. Question from social sciences: Why is a donor forced to play a game with a designated opponent? Why not simply ignore undesirable opponents? From the group, a donor and a recipient is randomly chosen to form a pair. Give or Not give? If a donor knows every other person’s reputation, isn’t it more natural to assume that a donor can choose freely his/her recipient he/she wants? (Aoki, 2001) Donor Recipient Bad Good Bad Bad Bad Good Bad Bad Good Selective-play environment (Yamagishi & Hayashi, 1996) seems to be more natural. A donor must act toward a designated recipient – Give or Not give

89 Four types of targets in selective play
As “not giving” means “not to choose anyone as the recipient” in selective play, “3) Non-giver to Giver” and “4) Non-giver to Non-giver” in selective play are defined as following: Unjustifiable not-giving under situations where there was a chance to give to Good Justifiable not-giving under situations where there was no chance to give to Good “Non-giver to Good” is a person who didn’t give his resource although he had a chance to give to Good if he wanted to do so. “Non-giver to Bad” is a person who didn’t give resources in situations where there was no Good player in the group. Good Bad Gave GtoG GtoB Did not give NGtoG NGtoB

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