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The ENNEAGRAM 9 Personality Types That Lead to Self-Discovery

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Presentation on theme: "The ENNEAGRAM 9 Personality Types That Lead to Self-Discovery"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ENNEAGRAM 9 Personality Types That Lead to Self-Discovery
PSY 201, 204, 238 Bob Reese, MA Asst. Professor Jefferson College of Health Sciences Handouts

2 Enneagram Peacemaker Reformer Leader Helper Enthusiast Loyalist
Motivator Investigator Individualist

3 Enneagram Peacemaker Reformer Leader Helper Enthusiast Loyalist
Motivator Investigator Individualist

4 The Triads Instinctive Thinking Feeling Peacemaker Reformer Leader
Helper Enthusiast Thinking Feeling Loyalist Motivator Investigator Individualist

5 ENNEAGRAM 2. HELPER  Feeling Triad Basic Desire: To be loved
Caring, nurturing, concerned, generous Basic Desire: To be loved Basic Fear: Being unloved At Best: Disinterested (Unselfish) Altruist Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt At Worst: Self-Deceptive Manipulator, ‘Maestros of Guilt’ Co-Dependent

6 ENNEAGRAM 3. Motivator  Feeling Triad
Success & Image oriented, adaptable, ambitious Basic Desire: To be accepted & valued Basic Fear: Being rejected At Best: Authentic Person Christopher Reeve, Tony Robbins, Arnold Schwarzenegger At Worst: Exploitative Opportunist “Lady Macbeth”

7 ENNEAGRAM 4. INDIVIDUALIST  Feeling Triad Basic Desire: To be loved
Caring, nurturing, concerned, generous Basic Desire: To be loved Basic Fear: Being unloved At Best: Disinterested Altruist Rudolph Nureyev, Bob Dylan At Worst: Self-Deceptive Manipulator “Blanche DuBois”

8 ENNEAGRAM 5. Investigator  Thinking Triad
Original, observant, intellectual, provocative Basic Desire: Be capable of dealing w/ environment Basic Fear: Being threatened or overwhelmed At Best: Pioneering Visionary Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Julie Taymor At Worst: Isolated Nihilist Vincent Van Gogh, Howard Hughes

9 ENNEAGRAM 6. LOYALIST  Thinking Triad
Committed, traditional, engaging, responsible Basic Desire: Find security by identifying w/ others Basic Fear: Unable to survive on own At Best: Self-affirming person Robert Kennedy, Malcom X, Tom Hanks At Worst: Insecure person “George Costanza”, Richard Nixon

10 ENNEAGRAM 7. ENTHUSIAST  Thinking Triad
Spontaneous, enthusiastic, uninhibited, accomplished Basic Desire: Be satisfied, euphoric Basic Fear: Being deprived At Best: Ecstatic Appreciator John F. Kennedy, Stephen Spielberg At Worst: Impulsive Escapist John Belushi, “Martha” (Virginia Wolfe)

11 ENNEAGRAM 8. LEADER  Instinctive Triad
Protective, powerful, self-confident, decisive Basic Desire: To be independent, strong, self-reliant Basic Fear: Being weak, helpless, vulnerable At Best: Magnanimous Hero Martin Luther King, Jr., John Wayne At Worst: Ruthless Tyrant Saddam Hussein, Napoleon, Jim Jones

12 ENNEAGRAM 9. PEACEMAKER  Instinctive Triad
Easy-going, receptive, optimistic Basic Desire: Union w/ other Basic Fear: of individuation (of becoming themselves) At Best: Self-Possessed Person Abraham Lincoln, George Lucas, Carl Jung At Worst: Neglectful Person “Edith Bunker”, “Marge Simpson”

13 ENNEAGRAM 1 REFORMER  Instinctive Triad Basic Desire: To be right
Conscientious, idealistic, rational, principled Basic Desire: To be right Basic Fear: Being imbalanced, corrupt, evil At Best: Wise Realist Mahatma Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Mister Spock At Worst: Intolerant Person Joan of Arc, “Fundamentalists”

14 Move toward ‘Stress Point’
Disintigration Peacemaker Reformer Leader Helper Enthusiast Move toward ‘Stress Point’ Loyalist Motivator Investigator Individualist

15 Integration Unity Understanding Love Peacemaker Reformer Leader Helper
Enthusiast Understanding Love Loyalist Motivator Investigator Individualist

16 ENNEAGRAM WINGS 9 with 1 wing = 9w1 See Handout
Numbers on either side are wings One is Dominant (usually) 9 with 1 wing = 9w1 See Handout

17 ENNEAGRAM 9 Levels of Development See Handout
1, 2, 3 = Healthy (Integrated) 4, 5, 6 = Average 7, 8, 9 = Unhealthy (Dis-integrated) Levels 8 & 9 = Pathological See Handout

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