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Networking the Networks

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1 Networking the Networks
11 October 2018

2 Welcome and introduction LSRN event planning group
Andrew Morris Anne Thompson

3 The event is hosted by Pearson
The event is hosted by Pearson. Organisation was by NFER in liaison with Pearson.

4 Current position and purpose of the event
NtN Current position and purpose of the event The Working Group is developing: newsletter website social media presence local #FEresearchments

5 Future possibilities We’re listening out for your ideas
Suggested already mixed academic – practitioner projects joint bids for research funding Research skills training modules Repository for sector-relevant evidence

6 Sectoral inspection and quality regimes: professional development, evidence use, research and scholarly activity To whom, for what purposes and how, are we accountable?

7 Inspection and quality regimes

8 Professional Standards
ETF HEA/Advance HE Teachers’

9 Teacher Training Level 5 DET (AOs) HEI DET Level 6 PGCE

10 Research Programme and Resources
ETF MPhil and MA short course AoC Scholarship Framework

11 Sarah-Jane Crowson Norman Crowther Paula Jones Sam Jones
NtN Working Group Sarah-Jane Crowson Norman Crowther Paula Jones Sam Jones Jo Fletcher-Saxon Tami McCrone Andrew Morris Natalie Morris Amy Richardson Anne Thompson

12 Benefits of social media
LSRN Benefits of social media

13 We have grown really quickly!

14 We promote our own branches

15 We promote other networks

16 And they recommend us!

17 Co-editors Andrew Morris and Paula Jones
Newsletter latest Co-editors Andrew Morris and Paula Jones

18 Networking news between networks!
Voluntary and free A growing demand for collated news and features has increased our number of editions News on Events, Research and Publications and Communications ,LSRN Regional network contacts – win –win for a large number of organisations/colleagues and their mission and purpose Spotlight Features on research networks with links/blogs to additional information- adds models and example

19 NtN pilot Website Links to networks, organisations, resources
Your reactions and ideas welcomed Public version to be developed this Autumn

20 # FE Researchmeets

21 The Excellence Gateway
Research area It offers different types of research Practitioner-led 'how to' area practitioner-led reports Academic research Are there ways it could be helpful for NtN?

22 Discussion

23 13.00 Lunch Reconvene 13.45

24 Research with a FE college
Bedford Group Research Network

25 The story so far….. Formed in 2014
Grown from one group to two through mergers Grown from 6 members to over 30 Bedford – focused on college policy, recognition, publication and external events Tresham – focused on the sharing and development of ideas Both groups meet between 5 -8 times per years

26 Some of our successes Changed college policy of support for all post graduate qualifications Changed college management view on research Were most represented institution at this year’s Association of Research in Post Compulsory Education’s conference Are most represented institution in Jonathan Tummon’s upcoming book on PCET

27 Connecting, influencing and developing
LSRN BERA #FEResearchmeets Re-Imagine FE Action research – CPD and college development

28 The future We’d like to influence policy, development and teaching and learning We aim to negotiate and persuade management to consider the time required to supervise and work alongside our colleagues

29 How can this translate to other settings?
QUESTION: How can this translate to other settings?

30 Scholarship in College Higher Education
Gail Hall HE Scholarship Development and Enhancement Manager, Leicester College

31 AoC HEFCE Scholarship Project
45 colleges 3-year research and development project Aim = to enhance scholarship in CHE Underpinned by Boyer’s Four Scholarships model Discovery, Application, Integration, Teaching and Learning Trials and tests – Expert Panel Output = The Scholarship Framework

32 The Framework

33 Sustaining scholarship at Leicester College
Slow but steady culture change Acceptance at senior management level – scholarship policy Financial and resource support Understanding of CHE teachers’ academic and professional development needs and preferences HE Teaching, Learning and Enhancement Programme Alignment of FE policies with HE practice

34 Engaging students in scholarship
Curriculum-based (and cross-curricular) Staff/student collaborations Student ambassadors/interns Conferences and symposia

35 Discussion groups Red dot - Conference room Blue dot - Conference room Green dot – Glass room Plenary to 15.30

36 Plenary Feedback Synthesis Next steps

37 National Official Post 16 Education
Norman Crowther National Official Post 16 Education NEU (ATL Section)

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