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WINDESHEIM Jasper Koning digital editor & social media

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1 WINDESHEIM Jasper Koning digital editor & social media
Studied Journalism at… WINDESHEIM

2 VPRO Backlight is a weekly documentary program on Future Affairs.
Economics/society: basic income, technology/economy: bitcoins, climate change, solar power: topics that shape the future. We’ve interviewed visionaries like Nick Bostrom, Jeremy Rifkin, Douglas Rushkoff and many others. People and topics that invoke a lot of discussion. Because it’s about the future, it’s up for discussion. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

3 premiere small incrowd lots of sending some discussion meet up
big crowd lots of discussion some sending Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

4 Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016
National Tegenlicht Meet Ups in Pakhuis de Zwijger. Every week, same day, same moderator. Regular crowd + crowd per topic. Same format: clip from show, discussion with guest, audience can respond. Director + researchers and editor-in-chiefs are present. Discussion between audience + makers. But also deeper on the topic. Local sidesteps (if topic is international). Sometimes 400 guests, other times 100. This year we reach almost 90 national Tegenlicht Meet Ups, first one: September 4th 2013 (about positive stories in Greece after crisis, like Potato Movement: the future is up for discussion!). Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

5 meet up between audience and makers
as seen on tv meet up between audience and makers deeper discussion + national side steps same day, same format, same moderator regular crowd + crowd per topic Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

6 “Why only Amsterdam!?” “We want to debate too!” “BOO!”
Subtle response on Twitter, as Twitter can do it. But we had no money, no manpower to organise multiple Tegenlicht Meet Ups. So we boldly went where not many TV-shows went before: we set the Meet Ups free. People could organise their own local Tegenlicht Meet Ups. And they did! Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

7 Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016
On April 16th 2014 the first local Tegenlicht Meet Up in Groningen. Seven months after the first national Tegenlicht Meet Up. No talk, just do. These are the kind of people that organise local Tegenlicht Meet Ups. At the moment almost 30 local Tegenlicht Meet Ups. Different styles, different formats. We don’t offer money, so we have to offer freedom. They own their local Tegenlicht Meet Ups. Some with guests, other focus on discussion with audience. Some semi-professionals, others really cosy and small. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

8 organiser is owner of local Tegenlicht Meet Up
meet up with active citizens, local politicians and entrepreneurs possibility for really local discussion irregular, different formats, different goals growing network of smaller and bigger organisations first local Tegenlicht Meet Ups in empty spaces: factories, hospital, dance company with no more funding (creative hot spots), now a shift to more ‘traditional’ organisations like libraries, theaters looking for new forms of programming. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

9 publicity on social media/TV info/design from TV-show annual event
We offer: clips from tv show publicity on social media/TV info/design from TV-show annual event Some rules: free for all (not commercial) do it yourself distinction local/national open format We select clips for national Meet Up, local organisers can use it. Publicity. Extra info on website, profiting from the respected name of VPRO Tegenlicht. For local organiseren we have a Tegenlicht Warming Up every year at different locations, with workshops, info exchange. Cannot ask entrance fee or do commercial activities, you have to do everything yourself, it is a local Tegenlicht Meet Up and other people can also organise one in your town, you can’t claim it. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

10 Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016
This turns in a wheel of perpetual motion. Some of our viewers discuss the show on Twitter. Call for more discussion and become organisers or visitors of (local) Tegenlicht Meet Ups. Organisers of local Tegenlicht Meet Ups become vocal ambassadors of VPRO Tegenlicht on Twitter. During Meet Ups we get ideas for new TV show and so we get a cross-pollination. Tegenlicht becomes more than a TV-show, more than just a rating, but has the potential to grow into a movement. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

11 Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016
Besides nice graphic representations the Tegenlicht Meet Ups caused a network of active, concerned citizens regularly talking with each other about topics that shape the future in their local neighbourhood. Even it would be a handful, it would be a success. But there’s more: people formed committees to explore an experiment with basic income. There has been the initiative for a multiple generation house in Groningen. There has been talks about a new eco friendly kind of water treatment plant. People see inspiring examples in the documentary, discuss them locally and meet like-minded people. Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

12 from talking to real action
Now what? from talking to real action more connection between local TMU’s & team in Hilversum grow network of organisers in movement until where does the TV-team needs to be involved? Constructive Journalism Conference - Windesheim - 2 december 2016

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