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SettlementAtWork Wiki

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1 SettlementAtWork Wiki

2 Overview What is a wiki? SettlementAtWork Wiki
How it fits into OCASI’s work How to find it Overview of contents Community Engagement portal page Tour How you can use it Creating an account Editing

3 What is a wiki? A wiki is a website that anyone can edit
You can always “undo” Web 2.0 (interactive vs. static) A well known example is Wikipedia

4 SettlementAtWork Wiki
How it fits into OCASI’s work The SettlementAtWork Wiki straddles two of OCASI’s main areas of work: IT & New Media Capacity Building Capacity building through resources, professional development

5 SettlementAtWork Wiki
How to find it A section of SettlementAtWork.Org along with News, Events, Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Jobs

6 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Overview of contents Main sections of the Wiki: Topic Pages, Client Focus and Sector Overview. The wiki houses a variety of resources, some of which are linked to the Topic Pages, etc. There are also standalone pages on the Wiki.

7 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Community Engagement portal page Umbrella under which new SWIS, LSP and Community Connections pages are hosted. Pages about Community Integration Network (CIN) and Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) are also under here.

8 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Tour Pages: Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) Library Settlement Partnerships (LSP) Community Connections Community Integration Network (CIN) SWIS and LSP pages were created to replace independent websites. The four pages above have a standard format including the following sections: About, News, Contact, Links. The only small variation is that SWIS also has a Resources section.

9 SettlementAtWork Wiki
How you can use it Open access to content Free to create an account to add/edit content A place to collaborate with colleagues A place to host documents Portal pages provide good overview of the settlement sector for people new to it Training webinars can be arranged with OCASI Examples of resources hosted on the Wiki: LINC e-Resources and TCDSB professional development manuals

10 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Creating an account Click on Log In in the top right-hand corner Click on request one (an account) and then fill in the form that appears

11 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Editing Click on Get Involved! and then Help You can use either Rich Text Format or wiki code to edit. Rich Text Format is easier for those who don’t use the wiki often. (The wiki code might be hard to remember.) If you want to try the wiki code, there are resources under the Help section. Choose a topic or open the Getting started guide

12 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Thank you for your participation (Tues. Oct. 22) Questions? Contact: Lorraine Hudson / Jasmine Chua / If there’s time at the end, go back to the main page of the Wiki and click on Projects under Sector Overview to show various OCASI project pages. (There are other sector projects listed on this page as well.) Funded by: Funded Logo

13 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Introductions (Thurs. Oct. 24) Julia Mais Sarah Hamdi Settlement.Org Content Coordinator Project Coordinator

14 SettlementAtWork Wiki
Thank you for your participation (Thurs. Oct. 24) Questions? Contact: Julia Mais Sarah Hamdi Wiki Staff Lorraine Hudson / Jasmine Chua / If there’s time at the end, go back to the main page of the Wiki and click on Projects under Sector Overview to show various OCASI project pages. (There are other sector projects listed on this page as well.) Funded by: Funded Logo

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