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Presentation on theme: "SIMPLE PAST REGULAR VERBS."— Presentation transcript:


2 I usually watch TV in the evenings
Yesterday I watched TV for 4 hours! She listens to music on the bus Yesterday she listened to music on the bus.

3 Yesterday I watched TV for 4 hours!
Yesterday she listened to music on the bus. To make the past tense of regular verbs add /ed/ to the end. Yesterday I ________ (play) tennis. She _________ (arrive) early. They __________ (kiss) goodbye. played arrived kissed

4 The baby cried all night.
Babies cry a lot The baby cried all night. She studies at University She studied very hard last semester

5 The baby cried all night!
She studied very hard last semester. To make the past tense remove the /y/ and add /ied/ Study consonant Letter /y/

6 Cars stop at traffic lights
The car stopped at the traffic lights

7 The car stopped at the traffic lights!
When the verb ends in consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final consonant and add /ed/ Stop consonant consonant vowel

8 Let’s practise We / play / football / walk to the bus stop
We played football I walked to the bus stop She / listen to the radio She played football I listened to the radio They / finish / my homework They played football I finished my homework I / want a coffee I played football I wanted a coffee / watch TV / work late I watched TV I worked late

9 The baby didn’t cry. He didn’t watch TV

10 Yesterday he didn’t watch TV.
The baby didn’t cry! Yesterday he didn’t watch TV. To make a negative sentence, use didn’t + base verb. He didn’t watch NOT he didn’t watched Yesterday I ________ (play) tennis. She _________ (arrive) early. They __________ (kiss) goodbye. didn’t play didn’t arrive didn’t kiss

11 Did he watch TV yesterday?
Yes he did. No he didn’t.

12 Did she listen to music last night?
Yes she did. No she didn’t.

13 Did he watch TV yesterday?
Did she listen to music last night? To ask a question in the past, use did + subject + base verb.

14 Let’s practise We / play / football He We played football
Did he watch TV? ( - ) / listen to the radio We didn’t play football Did he listen to the radio They / finish / his homework They didn’t play football Did he finish his homework ( ? ) / want a coffee Did they play football Did he want a coffee / watch TV / work late Did they watch TV Did he work late

15 Make positive or negative sentences in the past


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