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Journey down the Mekong

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1 Journey down the Mekong
Unit 3 Travel journal Journey down the Mekong

2 The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal
The longest river in China is The Yangtze River The longest canal(运河) in the world is The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal The river flows through the most countries in Asia is The Mekong River

3 Myanmar Laos Thailand Cambodia Vietnam The South China Sea
the countries that the Mekong River flows through

4 Reading Comprehension I
Skimming Reading Comprehension I the main idea of the passage The passage is mainly about __________ and ____ ______ dream and _____ for taking a great _____ ____ along the Mekong River. his sister’s Wang Kun bike plan trip

5 Match the main ideas of each paragraph.
A . Different attitudes between Wang Wei and Wang Kun. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 B . The preparations before the trip & details about the Mekong River. C . Dream of taking a great bike trip along the Mekong River.

6 Wang Kun ,Wang Wei, Dao Wei and Yu Hang
Para.1 Who will travel in the text? 2. Where are they going to travel? 3. How will they travel? 4. What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip? 1). Two years ago, 2). Then, 3). Last year, Wang Kun ,Wang Wei, Dao Wei and Yu Hang Along the Mekong river from …to… cycle = go there by bike …bought… …persuaded… …visited…

7 Reading Comprehension II
Scanning Reading Comprehension II Choose the correct answer. Which sentence is NOT true according to the text? A. Wang Wei advised Wang Kun to buy a mountain bike and he agreed. B. Wang Wei seldom listened to others. C. Before their trip they went to the library. D. Wang Wei knew the best way of getting to places.

8 Scanning 2. What does the last paragraph tell us? A. They wanted to know how soon they would come back. B. They wanted to learn the world’s geography. C. They went to the library to know something about the Mekong River. D. Wang Kun wanted to let Wang Wei know how difficult their trip was.

9 Scanning 3. When you travel along the Mekong River maybe you can not see_________. A. waterfalls B. hills and valleys C. plains where rice grows D. desert 4. The source of the Mekong is in _______ and it enters the________. A. Yunnan Province; South China Sea B. Guizhou Province; East China Sea C. Hunan Province; East China Sea D. Qinghai Province; South China Sea

10 Reading Comprehension III
Scanning Reading Comprehension III True or false Wang Wei insisted that they begin the journey in Qinghai. 2. When they arrived in Tibet, it was winter then. 3. The journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5000 meters, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.

11 4. The source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai province.
Scanning 4. The source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai province. 5. They found few atlases/maps or books about the Mekong River in the library. 6. The Mekong river begins in a glacier on a Tibetan mountain, the water there is clear but not cold. 7. The end of the River enters the South China Sea.

12 Reading Comprehension IV
Scanning Reading Comprehension IV Answer the questions below. 1. What can you see when you travel along the Mekong River? 2. What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey? 3. What do you think about Wang Kun and Wang Wei?

13 glacier plain waterfall valley rapids hills

14 2. What difficulties did Wang Kun
and Wang Wei find about their journey? The journey will begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, where it is hard to breathe and very cold.

15 What do you think about Wang Kun?
Serious careful Wang Kun’s character sensible Enthusiastic critical

16 What do you think about Wang Wei?
Imaginative organized Wang Wei’s character persistent eager stubborn risk-taking

17 glacier rapids ______ deep valleys ______ waterfall wide,brown,warm
Tibetan Mountains Western Yunnan Province rapids glacier ______ becomes begins ______ deep valleys through _____________ small,clear,cold leaves China sometimes waterfall __________ becomes becomes wide,brown,warm ___________________ enters wide valleys enters Southeast Asia through low valleys to the plains makes wide bends or meanders __________________________ river delta enters the ____ South China Sea __________________

18 Suggestions Where will they go? What objects will they take?
Please give Wangkun and WangWei some useful suggestions. Why? . Where will they go? What objects will they take? What will you pay attention to? When and how will you get back? …………

19 Homework 1.retell the passage 2. make your suggestions into a passage

20 Goodbye! Thank you for your cooperation! Wish you health and happiness!

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