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Game Attributes and Their Effect on Learning and Motivation

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Presentation on theme: "Game Attributes and Their Effect on Learning and Motivation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Game Attributes and Their Effect on Learning and Motivation
Peter Hastings Brian Grey Ali Alkhafaji 04/23/2012

2 the problem games vs. classroom
intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation how can we harness intrinsic motivation to teach? serious games, but…

3 the solution find out what makes a game fun. how?
determine the features and attributes of games. operationalize those attributes. test the effects of challenge and other attributes on learning and motivation.

4 determine the features and attributes of games
based on literature review, we set our list of “intrapersonal” game attributes to: fantasy: context, themes & characters. rules/Goals: rules, goals & feedback. auditory stimuli: background & feedback sound. challenge: level of difficulty. mystery: information complexity. control: player’s control.

5 operationalize those attributes
survey study on user perception of game attributes in optimal games. published at GLS. study on user perception of game attributes in commercially successful games. awaiting IRB approval. 

6 test the effects of challenge on motivation
study to measure the perceived difficulty of Super Mario Bros. by affecting challenge through game element changes. awaiting IRB approval. 

7 test the effects of challenge on learning and motivation
study to measure the effects of challenge on motivation and learning in a serious game called Policy World. still being designed.

8 end goal? we need to find out which game attributes affect learning and motivation and we need to learn the impact of that effect. knowing this will pave the way to building a serious game that is intrinsically motivating to play.

9 Microsoft Engineering Excellence
Questions? Microsoft Confidential

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