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Classroom Exercise of Cap & Trade

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1 Classroom Exercise of Cap & Trade
ECON1/EEP3 GSI Koichiro Ito

2 Set up Get a handout and make a pair with your classmate
Decide which of you plays Berck Petrochemical or Clean Tech Du Don’t look at the information of another company Read the first few paragraphs. Try Task1

3 Negotiations: Let’s do Task 2 and 3!
You want to write down your payment as a positive number (+) and your revenue as a negative number (-) since we’re talking about the cost Cut off the permits to sell When you’re done, raise your hand. If it looks you’re done, I’ll give you chocolate! Extra chocolate is rewarded if you minimize your cost best among classmates who play the same company

4 Implications Du 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total Abatement Cost ($) 15 30 50 100 300 700 2000 Berck 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Total Abatement Cost ($) 5700 4600 3600 2700 1900 1200 600 100 Total 4605 3615 2730 1950 1300 900 800 2000 Total abatement cost (society as a whole) is much cheaper when we allow trading. That is, it is more efficient. Importantly, this result is induced by firms’ profit maximizing behavior, not by the order by the government

5 MAC (Marginal Abatement Cost) Curves

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