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Welcome to Parent’s Night

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1 Welcome to Parent’s Night
Chemistry Mrs. Hertzog Room 411

2 Student Material’s 3) Textbook 1) Separate Class Notebook
2) Calculator 3) Textbook 4) Folder All student materials must be brought to class everyday! Students will “NOT” be permitted to go to their locker. Textbooks only need to be brought to class upon teacher request.

3 General Course Description
Class Assignments 1) syllabus 2) web page (lists daily homework assignments). It is the student’s responsibility to check this when absent).

4 3) internet
***** Absolutely “NO” homework will be accepted late!!!!!! Except once per marking period with a homework pass. The pass must be handed in the day and period the homework is due in order to be valid. Eboard – has my lecture notes and other information that students may print out. To get to my eboard, simply enter the district site, click on “about us”, click on “schools”, click on “EHS”, click on personnel directory, and search for my name. The password is: hertzdon.

5 Grades will be based on:
Grading Procedures Grades will be based on: 1) tests 2) quizzes 3) lab reports 4) homework * total number of points earned divided by total number of points possible mult. by 100.

6 Progress Reports: I will update student’s grades at the middle and the end of each marking period. Every student will receive a progress report in class so “PLEASE” ask your child to see it!

7 Final Grades will be based on:
1) each of the 4 marking periods (each counts as 1/5th of the final grade). 2) midterm and final exams are averaged and count also as 1/5th of the total grade.

8 Laboratory Assignments:
1) Lab write-ups a) title page b) data page c) calculation page d) conclusion page

9 All lab reports will be given 2 days to be submitted
All lab reports will be given 2 days to be submitted. For each day late 2 points will be deducted from the lab report grade (including weekends)!!! For each day a report is handed in early, 2 bonus points will be added to the lab report grade. Lab reports are the only thing that I accept late!!!!

10 Lab Safety 2) No horseplay in class or lab!
1) All safety rules as discussed in class MUST be followed! 2) No horseplay in class or lab! 3) No socializing in lab - stay at assigned work stations! 4) Safety goggles MUST be worn at all times during lab - state law! After the first warning a student will receive a zero for that lab and will be asked to sit at their desk.

11 Make-Up Work 1) Student’s responsibility to see the teacher the 1st day upon return to school to see what work was missed. . 2) Make-up tests and quizzes are given at 6:30 AM in room 336 (T-F) only and at 2:30 PM in room 508 (M -Th). A student has 3 days after an absence to make up the test/quiz. After that a zero will result.

12 Extra Help 1) Me (every morning at 6:45 AM or Wednesday’s after school in rm 411). 2) Mrs. Hertzog’s student tutor list. 3) The tutor room (see your counselor). 4) A.P. or Honors II chemistry student (see Mr. Hnatow or Mr. Case) 5) Private tutor

13 Discipline I fully intend to enforce all classroom rules. I hope that no problems arise, but if they do I deal with them immediately. My job is to teach the students, not to have to deal with the trouble makers. Absolutely no horseplay, disrespect, or eating/drinking will be allowed!

14 Contact Me Or e-mail at Thank you!
I truly believe that the education of your child is a combined effort (the school, the teacher, the parents, and the child). Please feel free to contact me if a need should arise. I may be reached by voice mail at (610) ext. 1411 Or at Thank you!

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