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ENGL 392 V Writing Assignment #1
Fall 2012 Ms. Goldstein
General Directions Write 3-4 pages on one of the topics.
Use Word, Times New Roman 12 point font, double spaced. On your first page in the upper left hand corner give your name, course number, my name, the date, and the draft number (e.g., First Draft). On all subsequent pages include a header with the page number and your name, in the top right hand corner (e.g., Churchill/2). See the General Guidelines for MLA Format on the website for the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): Give your paper an interesting title, and center this on the first page. When citing Harris and Platzner in your paper, give the page number using the following format (H&P 35). You are NOT required to use other sources for this assignment, however, if you do consult other print or online sources, you must cite them in the text of your essay and include them on a Works Cited page, following MLA citation format. For more information on citation, see MLA Style Guide on the OWL website: See the syllabus for information on plagiarism. Bring TWO copies of your first drafts to class on Wednesday, September 12th. One copy is to turn in to me, the other is to use in your peer review group for comment and discussion. Final drafts are due Monday, September 17th.
Option 1 Hesiod’s writings give help us understand the Archaic Greek world view, including the roles and relationships among gods and between gods and humans. Choose three or four passages from Hesiods’ Theogony and Works and Days and, citing specific lines and details, explain what these passages tell us about the Greek social order and/or world view. Then, discuss the relevance of Greek social order and/or world view to contemporary culture? What is familiar or unfamiliar about the Greek social order and/or world view and why?
Option 2 “Myth is a ‘traditional tale,’ a story passed on from generation to generation that, as a secondary component, had a ‘collective importance’ to the life of the community that preserved and transmitted it” (William Burkert, H&P 15). To expand on Burkert’s definition and as discussed in class, myths also share the following characteristics. They are: formative and reflective of the social order and values often explanatory: they teach, represent or explain customs, causes (natural, social, religious), ritual practices, social institutions world-view, correct behavior, morality, etc.) good and entertaining stories have narrative and symbolic appeal Write an essay in which you discuss evidence specific Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days that illustrate how these poems share the aspects of myth listed above and conform to Burkert’s definition.
Option 3 Re-read Hesiod’s invocation of the Muses (Theogony, lines 1-115) and then re-write this passage for an audience of middle school children. Be as true to the entire Hesiod passage as possible, but adapt his language and content to younger, contemporary readers. Conclude this assignment by writing a one-page reflection on why you made the adaptation choices that you did.
Option 4 “The study of mythology need no longer be looked at as an escape from reality into the fantasies of primitive peoples, but as a search for the deeper understanding of the human mind, In reaching out to explore the distant hills where the gods dwell and the deeps where the monsters are lurking, we are perhaps discovering the way home” (Davidson 24) Using the quotation above as a starting point, write an essay in which you identify and discuss several specific passages from the myths we have read thus far in so far as they provide “deeper understanding of the human mind” and help us “in discovering the way home.” How do different aspects of the myths of Hesiod help us understand ourselves? Davidson, H.R. Ellis Gods and Myths of Northern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
RUBRIC First Draft Two hard copies brought to class on Wednesday, September 12th Draft is 3-4 pages and shows adequate progress in all areas of the rubric below--10 points Peer Review Completed peer review of first draft for a colleague Had first draft peer reviewed by a colleague --10 points Final Draft--due in class on Monday, September 17th Connections to Course Material--20 points Includes specific, correct information about mythological figures and episodes Provides analysis of course material vs summary or description Ideas are related to the primary and secondary readings and class discussions Content --30 points Maintains focus to answer questions/discuss the topic thoroughly and effectively Supports thesis and main ideas with effective use of direct quotations and paraphrases of the text(s) Critical thinking is evident Creativity/originality is evident Organization--10 points Thesis is clearly stated Ideas are organized effectively; transitions are logical Includes appropriate introduction and conclusion Style/Voice--10 points Conveys writer’s interest in the topic and her/his unique perspective Uses appropriate ton for the assignment option Grammar/Mechanics/Formatting--10 points Shows command of grammar, mechanics, and spelling Adheres to all formatting guidelines (for citations and the paper overall) provided for the assignment
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