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Significant Shrinkage! Root Causes and Management Strategies

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1 Significant Shrinkage! Root Causes and Management Strategies

2 Jeff Bretana Biography
Business Operations Analyst III/Navy Federal Credit Union 10 Years Workforce Management Experience 6 Years Experience with Staff Planning/Annual Financial Planning 2013 Finalist for SWPP’s Workforce Planning Professional of the Year Member of SWPP’s Board of Advisors BS in Management from The Florida State University

3 Navy Federal Credit Union
Founded in 1933 with 7 members Nearly 6 million members at close of 4th quarter 2015 Over $73.3 billion in assets at close of 4th quarter 2015 Eligibility includes Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and DoD in addition to Navy and Marine Corps Ranked on Fortune’s list of “100 Best Companies To Work” in 2015 and five of the past eight years Approximately 3000 Contact Center agents across 4 locations Multiple skills with majority of volume operating 24/7/365 Multiple channels with inbound/outbound calls, s, and chat Visit for more details

4 What impact did shrinkage have on our exercise?
The Power of One What impact did shrinkage have on our exercise?

5 What is Shrinkage?

6 Shrinkage According to “Seinfeld”

7 Shrinkage According to
How can we draw parallels between the mainstream definition of shrinkage and the contact center definition of shrinkage?

8 Shrinkage in the Contact Center
Contact center shrinkage is the loss of time to activities that are not considered “productive” (i.e. phone, chat, , other work queues). It can be broken down into two categories: Planned Shrinkage Time loss to activities known and accounted for before the schedule process begins. Example: There are 10 agents who will begin a full week of training the week of August 7. Unplanned Shrinkage Time loss to activities neither known nor quantified until after the schedule process has completed or the actual day occurs. Example: There were 5 agents who called out sick today between

9 Planned Shrinkage Time lost to non productive activities known before schedules are created. The difference between what you could schedule and what you actually can schedule. Activities typically considered Planned Shrinkage: Breaks Meals Planned leave Training Required non demand work Root Causes Legal requirements Maintaining a proper work/life balance Required training Required administrative work Contact Center initiatives

10 Unplanned Shrinkage Time lost to non productive activities not realized until after schedules are created. The difference between what you schedule and what you actually get. Activities typically considered Planned Shrinkage: Unscheduled absences Late arrivals and early departures Unplanned breaks Unplanned training Various non adherence activities Root Causes Illnesses Unplanned life events Agent burnout Poor planning Ignorance

11 Calculating and Applying Shrinkage
Calculation Total Unplanned Shrinkage Hours / Total Hours Scheduled Application Staff Required / (1 – Shrinkage Rate) The Dangers of Misapplication Example: Base requirements of 100 FTEs and a 25% shrinkage rate Common Misapplication: * 1.25 = 125 Correct Application: / = 133 (rounded down) A misapplication of the shrinkage rate would have short staffed you by 8 FTEs (6%)

12 Forecasting Shrinkage

13 Tips for Forecasting Shrinkage
Shrinkage can drastically vary based on time of year, day of week, and time of day – measure each level Track all historical data Don’t cover up reality with schedule adjustments Impact of tenure on shrinkage Low tenure = higher aux usage High tenure = higher planned/unplanned leave usage Calibrate your shrinkage inputs Monthly at least; weekly if possible Consider shrinkage forecasting as part of the overall forecast process Shrinkage is as powerful a drive of requirements as volume and AHT but often overlooked Shrinkage has identifiable trends similar to volume and handle time patterns; it can be forecasted

14 Forecasting Shrinkage By Day
Shrinkage patterns can vary significantly throughout the week Understand each day’s pattern and the potential drivers of this pattern

15 Forecasting Shrinkage By Interval
Shrinkage is rarely flat when viewed on the interval level Distinct patterns can be observed and forecasted throughout the day

16 Forecasting Shrinkage By Skill Type
Shrinkage is rarely “one size fits all” Combined rate was 22%; only two groups closely matched this

17 Importance of Forecasting Shrinkage
Higher requirements = greater impact of shrinkage variance

18 Importance of Forecasting Shrinkage
Lower requirements = greater volatility in shrinkage variance

19 Managing Shrinkage

20 Tips for Managing Your Shrinkage
Report It Report current shrinkage levels and trends to allow Operations to influence and control Staff to ensure a balanced workload Agent burnout will lead to high turnover, absenteeism, and reduced adherence Provide additional shift and break options Agents may be less likely to contribute to shrinkage when they are working shifts/breaks that suit them Set realistic expectations Setting the bar too high will eventually create diminishing and even reduced returns Inform agents how much time they can actually “shrink” and still meet expectations Educate, Educate, Educate Many agents do not realize the impact of shrinkage Demonstrate how much off phone time agents are paid for

21 Managing Shrinkage Through Education
On the phones all day? Show agents the reality!

22 Managing Shrinkage Through Alternative Shift Options
Popular Shift Options 4x10 4x9 1x4 Various other compressed work weeks (12 hours, slants, etc) Observed Benefits What Agents Told Us: Could meet the needs in their personal life better Felt they were less likely to “call out” with an unscheduled absence What Was Measured: Moderate reduction in unplanned leave usage after implementation Better ability to staff up or down to demand

23 Managing Shrinkage Through Alternative Break Options
Popular “New” Break Options 30 minute meal with three 10 minute breaks 60 minute meal with two 15 minute breaks (work 30 extra minutes/day) Two 15 minute breaks and no meal (work 30 fewer minutes/day) One 30 minute meal with no break (work 30 fewer minutes/day) Observed Benefits What Agents Told Us: Additional break helps avoid long periods of time on phone Reduced need to take unscheduled time off phone Easier to stay in adherence with fewer break events What Was Measured: Better adherence due to decreased use of personal time Higher productivity due to lower agent fatigue

24 Strategizing Shrinkage

25 Developing a Shrinkage Strategy
Plan as much shrinkage as you can Training, coaching, other administrative activities known in advance Unplanned shrinkage through accurate forecasting and trend analysis Preparation translates into more predictable performance Understand shrinkage is going to happen Training, coaching, other administrative activities may be mandatory Incorporate all known shrinkage into your staffing requirements when requesting additional FTEs Provide “what if” scenarios if you believe shrinkage could happen but has not yet been approved Be sure to forecast new shrinkage as soon as it is known Strategize planned shrinkage – make it work for you! Identify your workload’s peaks and valleys throughout the year Schedule your non productive time around this Offer additional time off during slow parts of the year – it will help when you are unable to approve leave during the peak Provide Operations a “road map” for planned shrinkage

26 Strategizing Shrinkage
Build a planned shrinkage “road map” Allow more Planned Shrinkage during non peak months Training, Off Phone Administrative Work, Leave Reduce Planned Shrinkage during peak months

27 Questions?

28 Keep in Touch! Jeff Bretana Navy Federal Credit Union
Office: (850) Work Cell: (850)

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