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The Liberal Tradition.

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1 The Liberal Tradition

2 Social Contract Theory
Thomas Hobbes 5 April 1588 – 4 December 1679 2

3 The State of Nature 3

4 Egoism The only real motivation we ever have is self-interest – our own personal pleasure and well-being. Other things – even other people! - only matter to us insofar as they contribute to our pleasure and well-being 4

5 Reason

6 The Social Contract 6

7 Hobbes People are basically selfish and violent. The State of nature would be nasty, brutal, and filled with conflict Rousseau People are basically cooperative. Civilization – with its “haves” and “have nots” – has created violence, greed, and conflict. The state of nature was a peaceful world where we shared all things.

8 Rousseau vs Locke Private Property is essential. Government exits primarily in order to protect it . Private Property is the very root of all evil

9 Capitalism A system in which a some people privately own the means of production, while others work for them. The workers are paid a small percentage of the owner’s profits, called a wage.

10 Socialism A system in which there is only public and never private ownership of the means of production. Communism goes further in advocating the abolition of all private property

11 Karl Marx 1818-1883 Abolish all private property
A heavy tax on income of the wealthy Abolition of all inheritance Nationalization of the banks All means of production publicly owned (run by the state) Free education for all children. Abolition of child labor Socialists would agree with 2, 5, 6 &7; but, they would not require 1, 3, or 4.

12 Libertarianism

13 Libertarians oppose the following types of laws
1) They oppose Paternalistic laws. 2) They oppose Morals legislation laws. 3) They oppose the income tax. The only thing government should do is protect people from (and prosecute people for) force, theft, and fraud. 13


15 Nozick's argument for Libertarianism
P1: We own ourselves P2: If we own ourselves, then we own the work we do P3: if we own the work we do, then we own our wages P4: If Uncle Sam taxes our wages, then he takes them from us by force P5: If he takes our wages by force then he claims to own us. P6: If anyone claims to own part of me, he is unjust toward me ____________________________ C: Income tax is unjust Nozick's argument for Libertarianism

16 Libertarians and Capitalism
Everything that possibly can be privatized should be privatized. Markets should have the absolute minimum of Government oversight and regulation (laissez faire)

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