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Economic Theories Chapter 1 Section 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic Theories Chapter 1 Section 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic Theories Chapter 1 Section 4

2 What are the 3 major Econ decisions? Pg 26
Role of Econ. System What are the 3 major Econ decisions? Pg 26

3 Capitalism What are the 5 main characteristics? Pg 26
What are the 2 important foundations Pg 27 What is a ‘FREE MARKET’? What is ‘LAISSEZ-FAIRE’?

4 Cont…………….. What free enterprise in the US?
How has the Gov’t influenced this? What is mixed market econ.?

5 Socialism What is it and who started it? What is ‘BOURGEOISIE’?
What is ‘PROLETARIAT’? What is meant by Class Struggles? \

6 Communism What is it? What is a command econ.?
Make sure you know Karl Marx and Adam Smith.

7 The End Study for you test!!!!!!!

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