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Manchester Middle School Annual Title I Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Manchester Middle School Annual Title I Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manchester Middle School Annual Title I Meeting
Welcome We are so pleased to have you with us this morning. We are going to be talking about Title I and what that means for l, our students and our parents.

2 How does Title I benefit MMS?

3 Title I programs can help. . .
Students do better in school and feel better about themselves Teachers understand the needs and concerns of students and parents Parents understand their child and be more involved in their child’s education

4 All schools in Meriwether County are Title I Schools.
The district and Manchester Middle School… Develop a Comprehensive Needs Assessment to identify strengths and areas of need. Solicit input from a variety of stakeholders including staff, students, parents and the community. Establish goals and develop an improvement plan to determine what steps we will take to meet our goals through programs and interventions. Use Title I Money to provide ALL students with services to help them achieve academic success. We are all title one schools in order to receive title one funds requirement include CAN, SIP,

5 HOW do we spend Title I Funds ?

6 How we receive Title I funds?
All schools in Meriwether County participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) It eliminates the burden of collecting household applications to determine eligibility for school meal programs Everyone benefits Students—access to free nutritious meals for all students Parents—no household applications means less paperwork and no worries about lunch accounts

7 How we use our Title I Funds?
Instructional supplies (workbooks, textbooks, teacher guides, etc.) Technology (computers, software, and tools for students) Professional Learning for staff Salaries for instructional staff Tutoring for students Parent Meetings, communication expenses (brochures, flyers, mailings about Title I activities)

8 WHAT are Title I Requirements ?

9 Title I Requirements . . . Schools must identify needs Set goals
Title I programs must be based on effective means of improving student achievement and include strategies to support parental involvement.    Schools must identify needs Set goals Develop a School Improvement Plan Build Parent Capacity : Provide resources and skills to parents to help them with achieve student success

10 Build Staff Capacity: Provide Professional Development to staff members to help improve their instructional practices Increase parent and family engagement Develop Transition Plans for students Provide services for students who may be: at risk / English language learners / in foster homes / homeless or students with disabilities

11 WHAT Parents Need to Know…

12 YOU need to be involved! Your input is valuable and important in making sure that your child’s needs are being met. Attend meetings, provide input, participate in surveys, visit the school and volunteer, join the School Council Right To Know: You have the right to know about the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals that teach your children. Parent & Family Engagement Plan – will provide you with the goals of the school, trainings that have been developed to assist you in helping your child succeed in school School-Parent Compacts – an agreement between the school, parents/guardians and the student about how they will work together to meet goals and achieve student success

13 WHERE to find information …

14 District
CCRPI: /default.aspx Parent Engagement vement/FederalPrograms/Partnershi ps/Pages/ParentEngagement- Program.aspx Testing Instruction-and- Assessment/Assessment/Pages/default.a spx Department of Education

15 Parent Involvement

16 Parent Involvement Activities
Attend Parent Engagement Meetings Attend Parent Conferences How will you know about these meetings? School/Teacher Website s Texts Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Call-outs Notices in newspaper Flyers sent home


18 School Improvement Plan Goals
Goal # Student achievement in Reading/English/Language Arts/Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies will indicate growth by all students as reflected by a 10%  increase in scores in all Milestone tested areas as measured by the CCRPI.

19 Goals cont. Goal # The total number of students absent or more days will decrease by 5% as measured by the Infinite Campus System as reported to CCRPI.

20 Goals cont. Goal # The overall number of students grades 6 through 8 reading at a Lexile level of will increase by 10% as measured by the 8th Grade Milestone assessment.

21 MMS Data GAINS in tested areas – 6th Math +3.1 7th ELA +16.6
8th Sci Lexile

22 Please complete the comment cards before you leave.
Tell us what information would help you help your child be successful academically? Any questions/concerns from tonight's presentation, don’t hesitate to contact me. Please complete the survey. Thank You.

23 Thank You for your attendance.
Thank You for your attendance and participation.

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